While there's no evidence of them sending any texts remotely resembling a sexual relationship and that the extent of their comms was purely to plot against Trump; what would be the idea behind creating a "lovers" cover story? What does that "cover" exactly?
The Cohen raid happened immediately after the Rachel Chandler reveal.
I haven't made a clear connection yet, but Cohen represented Trump when someone accused him and Epstein of raping her. Was the raid just to get any files Cohen may have had on Epstein maybe?
Yeah, kinda answered my own question. The cover story would be to explain their constant communication before the case was even opened or any "evidence" was "discovered."
Was there any metadata from the screenshot file? Could compare the times.
No metadata on the screenshot,
but 900x1200 isn't a ratio of an iPhone screen, capture was probably taken from an iPad mini.
I was also thinking today after reviewing the Portland riot, and remembering the bloodlust the boards showed during the Berkley shenanigans, I think we may also have been chosen before we did anything drastic. I know I was certainly in need of some reassurances; anons would have been among the first groups to organize militias.
we're all in a militia, we have the largest militia in the world, armed with over 300 million guns and enough bullets to put one in the head of anything with legs on the entire planet. we'll be ready when the time comes, no use talking about it tho.