Quantum Kitty has all your Qbits and your server and it is all checked, logged, and saved offline
the malaysia rabbit hole goes much deeper than 1MDB
it was a reciprocal protection/laundry pact
obongo/cabal have huge $$$ stashed there
obongo also partnered with najib to take control of Pacific human trafficking biz
najib banked with an arm of ANZ (kiwi)
big chance they are also laundering for obongo/klinton/pedostaโฆ
also there is a big HUMAN TRAFFIC LINK
najib is especially obongo fren
malaysia is traditionally hostile to US
that was perfect for obongo
as long as najib was in power his $/interests were protected and vice versa 1MDB
human traffic was the kicker on the deal
perhaps blwon up with C4
that is how they diposed of a mongolian model mistress
or check bank bumiputra case in 90s
bodies tend to stack in these malaysia fiascos
michael malaysia fren
whats a few mill among frens
najibs step family is very mysterious
stepson washed a lto of 1MDB $ through US and europe
najib is also very close to kazakhstan
in fact his step daughter married one
he likely had at least peripheral involvement in U1
malaysia is blackhole laundry for migrants from indian ocean to pacific
forward together
resist NWO
much time has passed
none of this movement possible w/out JA
Happy Birthday Bro
hope near future bodes well
fingers crossed
obongo did a deal with najib to supply hawaii and chiraq hotdog stands
they move through indo, oz, kiwi.pac isles, hawaii
victor rothschild ran the 1st jew homo commie cambridge spy ring
nat rothschild is running this one
they got libyas gold and trafficked ppl with soros and bronfman
nz/kiwi bank makes sense for clowns
foreign "clean" jursidiction free from scrutiny, easily comped pols and C. Bank near
Hawaii HQ
bank of hawaii has always been spooky (obongo gran) also
deak & co
nugan hand
bcci did most biz in asia pac