has POTUS ever said anything found to be false?
let that sink in…
Digger Autists. I've found something I need help with if you choose to take on the task. My Autism is reading comprehension, pattern recognition and pattern interpretation. My memory is up there but not Autist level… almost. I am not a search and destroy digger. Here's my finding. there is a few but I'm getting lost and takes forever… here's one.
POTUS Tweet:
Dec 9, 2017 08:02:23 AM Fake News CNN made a vicious and purposeful mistake yesterday. They were caught red handed, just like lonely Brian Ross at ABC News (who should be immediately fired for his “mistake”). Watch to see if @CNN fires those responsible, or was it just gross incompetence?
notice He called for firing and SHOULD be fired. (SHOULD means might be and could be in future, as well as calling for it now)
Brian Ross is FIRED is in the news. see where I'm going? also said firing about CNN but gROSS is a word in that tweet as well.
Here's my finding. in Q drop 1157:
>Has POTUS made a statement found not to be true?
<Nothing stated should be discounted.
Moving fast.
Do you smell what I'm stepping in anon?
I could never dig it all but I believe POTUS tweet's tell what's happening later per the words in tweet's. FUTURE PROVES PAST… is in crumbs.
LEARN OUR COMMS!.. is in crumbs
Is this woth it or not to dig and see how many match the news. WATCH (or follow?) THE NEWS… is in crumbs.
Any takers? if not i'll dig but it'll be awhile… here's a archive site for Trump Twats…
Last note… todays is interesting about how Dems are going to FLEE the party. very direct words.
ok i'll keep pushing next bread.. i suck at digging and side by sifes. i know it's long and complcated. thanks.
see? I never would see those searches you said… not my autism. thanks and good luck autist!