Anonymous ID: 7dea6c Dec. 19, 2023, 12:54 a.m. No.20098397   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8405 >>8425


>What is the solution for governing Gaza?

>Some in Israel wish they could just remove the people, but they helped create the problem and nobody should cooperate with such ethnic cleaning.


ThankQ for responding, good perspective, but when it all comes down to it, these conflicts all stem from laziness which leads to greed, unfairness, and eventually conflict when the other side takes a stand against. Israel has the money and technology to build up skyscrapers and cities instead of acquiring land by nefarious means. The fanatics that you talk about are Hamas which was created by Israel to combat Arafat which was also a Mossad agent and Freemason. So Israel has been playing good cop bad cop in order to get Congressional funds for both sides which they have pocketed only to go back and bribe and honeypot our politicians. This shit has to be called out and ended. Palestinians are just caught in the middle of their shenanigans. If an International force would control the humanitarian supplies for Palestine at a dedicated port then Israel should have no legitimate argument and let the Palestinians rule over themselves. Like I said, Israel is the fanatics playing both sides just as the Caliphate was a Mossad agent. It is time to clean house in Israel that they world might know peace because as you can see, even the Israeli people are targeted by missiles and taken as hostages.