Anonymous ID: 3a7f10 Dec. 19, 2023, 5:35 a.m. No.20098862   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8869 >>9043 >>9262 >>9448 >>9481 >>9602


Two Strategic War Fronts to Watch – The First to Be Announced Tomorrow


In the world of tracking geopolitical maneuvers closely, particularly as it relates to military intervention, it becomes critical at a certain point to get more deliberate.


Two fronts seem like they are about to open on the geopolitical stage. The first in Yemen, the second in Moldova. We can watch them unfold together if we begin from the same baseline.


Against the background of the Israeli-Gaza war against Hamas terrorists, the U.S. military is about to begin a large-scale operation in the Red Sea under the auspices of combating Houthi rebels and terrorist attacks. Against the background of the Ukraine-Russia conflict, we can also anticipate NATO opening a new front using Moldova.


♦ YEMEN – As the U.S. and “coalition partners” begin military engagement against the Houthi rebels, no one in Western media will draw contrast to the State Dept earlier this year sending another $444 million via USAID (a CIA front group) to Yemen. Factually, the U.S. has spent $5.4 billion, yes that’s with a “b”, in Yemen through the State Dept {}.


We are now going to begin military operations against elements within Yemen as part of something called “Operation Prosperity Guardian,” a new international effort deal with Houthi threats.” As this announcement is made, likely tomorrow, ask yourself what we spent $5.4 billion to achieve in Yemen, if we are now forced to use the U.S. military.


Given the scale of dedicated U.S. naval and air military resources in the region, direct engagement with Yemeni “terrorists” is all but certain. This will expand the overall conflict zone and pull the U.S. into ancillary combat missions.


Iran and the various proxies will likely not respond in Yemen, but U.S. military personnel deployed in Syria, Afghanistan and Iraq will likely come under fire. Chairman Xi will smile from Beijing.


♦ MOLDOVA – Watch this landscape closely.


Ukraine is losing badly, and U.S. led NATO efforts need to change the dynamic. We can anticipate Moldova playing a key role in what comes next.


Watch out for the CIA, DoS, influence over Western NATO allies to create a battlefront against Russia using Moldova.


The basic premise would be for some kind of kinetic action to take place on the Moldova/Ukraine -v- Russia conflict zone (Odessa region), likely created by organized CIA operations, that will then provide the predicate for a second and more direct NATO front against Russia to take the pressure away from direct engagement in Ukraine.


Again, USAID operations (non-pretending, the CIA) have been all over Moldova for the past several months. Something is going to trigger there, and Vladimir Putin can also see it, see the Lavrov statement from November 30.



Anonymous ID: 3a7f10 Dec. 19, 2023, 5:39 a.m. No.20098872   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8877


Now That Blackrock-Biden White House Have Forced EV Mandates, China Moves Massive Investment into Mexico to Make EV’s for U.S Market


The headline is the non-pretending reality. Now that Joe Biden has designated EPA mandates for U.S. automobiles that include having at least 50% of all new vehicle sales be electric by 2030 {LINK}, three major Chinese EV manufacturers are reportedly building manufacturing facilities in Mexico.


Blackrock investments steer WH policy {Go Deep}. Blackrock investments are heavy in China and EV production. Blackrock returns on their investments would be substantial with Chinese EV production in Mexico. Quite a coincidence.


BUSINESS INSIDER – Three major Chinese EV companies are planning to build new factories in Mexico, sparking concern among US officials, according to a new report.


MG, BYD, and Chery are all looking at sites to build new factories in the country, according to unnamed sources cited by The Financial Times, and this investment is causing angst in Washington as it seeks to keep China out of the US electric car market.


US officials have reportedly raised concerns with their Mexican counterparts over Chinese investment, with the new sites potentially including a new $1.5 billion to $2 billion MG electric car factory and a factory investment worth hundreds of millions of dollars from Warren Buffett-backed Tesla rival BYD.




Blackrock invests in China and EV’s. Biden policy supports China and EV’s.


Blackrock invests in Ukraine. Biden policy supports Ukraine reconstruction.


Biden puts Blackrock Investment Institute Chairman Tom Donilon in charge of U.S-China policy.

