Anonymous ID: 9d9ee6 Dec. 19, 2023, 5:37 a.m. No.20098864   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8991 >>8998 >>9131 >>9258

GOD IS ON OUR SIDE! AND WE WILL WIN! We are one Glorious Nation Under God! We will pray to God for strength and Liberty, and we will be with God


It sounds like PDJT is stating a miracle will happen in the upcoming 2024 Election! We need it!




When thinking about 4 more years of Trump, I’m so looking forward to it, but what happens after his four years are fulfilled? How will our country and government be fixed and the evil forces that have controlled and still control our country, are defeated?


Can we prevent “Them” from getting back in to power to destroy our country, faith and mission again? The point of Trump’s mission was never to be an eternal President; but to restore the government and country to fulfill the mission of Freedom, so future patriotic leaders follow and implement all aspects of the Constitution and divine plan God gave to us. As Ben Franklin said, “You have a republic, if you can keep it”


I’m sure Trump and team have a plan, because God, Trump and patriots, cannot allow another fallen one to take control again.How will it be fixed? And can we keep it fixed?There has got to be a definitive strategy and plan, at least to try. And it cannot be done by executive orders because those can be nullified, so we have to implement current law and new laws to prevent the backsliding to corruption. But will leaders penalize those who violate the law? They don’t obey the laws now. I guess expecting it to be fixed forever is naive, so future generations will have to fight to keep it fixed, like we have, and will until our time ends.



Anonymous ID: 9d9ee6 Dec. 19, 2023, 5:47 a.m. No.20098899   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>20097570 What is Cloward-Piven strategy?PN


The Cloward–Piven strategy is a political strategy outlined in 1966 by American sociologists and political activists Richard Cloward and Frances Fox Piven.


It is the strategy of forcing political change leading to societal collapse through orchestrated crises.The "Cloward-Piven Strategy" seeks to hasten the fall of capitalism by overloading the government bureaucracywith a flood of impossible demands, amassing massive unpayable national debt, and other methods such as unfettered immigration thus pushing society into crisis and economic collapse by overwhelming the system.


Obama/Bidan are implementing this down to the T!

Anonymous ID: 9d9ee6 Dec. 19, 2023, 6:03 a.m. No.20098976   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9040 >>9043 >>9262 >>9414 >>9448 >>9481 >>9602

Trump-appointed judge just blocked the left’s latest “Critical Race Theory” plot…

December 18, 2023


District Judge Rossie Alston, who was appointed by President Trump, has just come to the rescue by issuing a restraining order stopping the left from removing a Confederate memorial at Arlington National Cemetery. Thankfully, sanity has prevailed, at least for now.


Collin Rugg, the co-founder of Trending Politics, had this to say about the bombshell development:


BREAKING: Trump appointed U.S. District Judge Rossie Alston has issued a restraining order halting the removal of a Confederate memorial at Arlington National Cemetery.


The memorial removal began on Monday but was halted after Alston’s order was issued.


Alston explained that the lawsuit brought forward by Defend Arlington claimed the removal of the memorial involves the disturbance of gravesites.


In a footnote, Alston noted that he “takes very seriously the representations of officers of the Court and should the representations in this case be untrue or exaggerated the Court may take appropriate sanctions.”


This issue began with the Biden administration’s draconian decision, driven by their agenda to erase our nation’s history, to remove the Reconciliation Monument. Ironically, this monument was erected to commemorate the reconciliation between the North and South. However, the left is obviously not interested in the concept of reconciliation and is working diligently to dismantle as many statues and monuments as possible, in hopes of reshaping our America under the banner of “critical race theory,” which, by the way, represents one of the most divisive and hateful movements in our nation’s history.


Sean Davis, the editor of The Federalist, put it best when he explained what the left was really doing in tearing down this statue and how much farther they’re willing to go. Here’s what he said:


The destruction of the Reconciliation Monument is so much worse than mere iconoclasm, which is bad enough by itself.The only reasonto make a scene ofdestroying a monument to the reconciliationof two sides who were at war with each other=is to signal that reconciliation going forward will also not be tolerated.


Right now the Left is gleefully throwing its political enemies in prison for non-existent crimes. This includes the Left’s chief political opponent. It is setting up bogus kangaroo courts to obtain fraudulent indictments and convictions.


The Left fantasizes about using the military power of the state to drop nuclear bombs on citizens who exercise their constitutional right of self-defense. As we speak, it is using government power and coercion to illegally censor and shut down the speech of its enemies. And most dangerous of all, through insane and outrageous assassination prep agitprop, the Left and its loyal media propagandists are ginning up their most ardent and unstable supporters to commit violence against the potential next president of the United States.


The modern American left clearly has zero interest in reconciliation with anyone in this country who opposes their political agenda. They are not disguising this hatred. In fact, they are so open about their refusal to ever allow anyone else to wield power or even exist outside their clutches that they’re willing to rip out and destroy a literal monument to American reconciliation.


What do you think they’ll do to you if you ever get in their way?


And of course, the attack on Southern heritage really has nothing to do with the Confederacy, but rather is one particularly malicious expression of the broader war on American heritage and history. As we described in an earlier piece on Biden’s attack on Confederate memorials:


Just as the old respect given to Robert E. Lee or other Confederate heroes had nothing to do with affirming the Confederate cause, the desecration of the Confederate Memorial at Arlington, or other monuments across the country, has almost nothing to do with the Confederacy at all, or the historical conflict between North and South. Instead,these attacks are simply one facet of the larger attack on America itself: Its heroes, its history, its institutions, and most importantly, its historical population.


This kind of behavior is reminiscent of what ISIS does. They enter cities and destroy monuments and artworks, labeling them as evil or unholy. The Biden administration’s actions in removing these historical monuments appear no different. It’s actions like these that can lead to the downfall of a country. Let’s hope we can reverse this trend before it’s too late. Thank God for Trump’s judge, who is giving us a chance to fight for our history.


(Patriots to the rescue!)

Anonymous ID: 9d9ee6 Dec. 19, 2023, 6:20 a.m. No.20099040   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Obama/Bidans plan were always about revenge on Trump erasing Obama’s Legacy. Obama chose every area of government, culture, life, God and Country that PDJT was fervent about, took action and succeeded in or destroying it to Make America Great Again.


Look at Trump’s accomplishments and it shows up on their list of actions to destroy. There’s a reason why the military had to be destroyed almost immediately or first.Anything Trump was proud and talked about, they targeted it. It’s not surprising destroying Russia and Putin was on top of the list. Trump had made peace, negotiations and worked with Putin as a friendly nation.


They are not only implementing leftists dreams of Warlike Utopia.Really all of Obama’s destruction of America, is Revenge Porn at Trump!Obama’s petty little ego shows clearly, what a dictator will do when his feelings are hurt, because he is no longer a fake Jesus figure.


The truth is O and others, have no idea what is planned for them, for justice not revenge.

Anonymous ID: 9d9ee6 Dec. 19, 2023, 6:51 a.m. No.20099172   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9180 >>9195

A mentally ill liberal mother decides her 2-year-old son is a girl; when Dad fights back, California bulldozes him…Dec 18, 2023


We’re hearing too many heartbreaking stories about mothers who are steamrolling their children’s lives to pursue their own progressive jihad. This familiar horror story is all too common: a liberal mother suddenly declares her toddler son is a girl. She separates the child from the father, embarking on a life-altering path for a child who still believes in Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny. This is the current nightmare for a California man named Adam Vena, who is watching his son be transformed by his ex-wife into his daughter. Adam’s son was taken from him when he was just two years old because mommy decided he was a girl now. When Adam tried to intervene to protect his son, the state of California responded with a 5-year restraining order against him.

Here’s a social media post from Adam’s insanely sick ex-wife:

(See black and white picture with this post)

“Aidan, Little Miss Busy Bee”

“Dear Busy Bee and Dragon Parents, My name is / 3, I am Aidan's Mom, I've had the pleasure of meeting a few of you but l'm sure you all know Aidan, the boy who wears dresses. Up until recently that is what Aidan wanted to be known as, but that has changed. Aidan has come out as transgender and is ready for the world to accept her for who she truly is…

Honestly, how is North Korea any worse than this?

Savannah Hernandez:

Reminder of what is currently happening to parents in California everyday: Meet Adam Vena, a father who lost custody of his 5-year-old son, Aidan, after objecting to his child being subjected to gender transition.

Adam shares that Aidan’s mother began clothing him in girl’s dresses at the young age of 2, with his mother ultimately deciding he was transgender by the age of 4.

Adam’s objection to this has resulted in California courts completely revoking his parental rights, issuing a 5-year restraining order against him and barring him from access to his son’s medical records.

Reminder that California law states: “A court, under existing law, is required to consider a child’s health, safety, and welfare when determining the best interests of a child in these proceedings, including the parent’s affirmation to the child’s gender identity,”

Aidan’s mother has since changed Aidan’s pronouns to she/her, emailing parent’s of the school he attends to announce that:

“Aidan has come out as transgender and is ready for the world to accept her for who she truly is. She fully identifies as female, uses female pronouns and uses the girl’s restroom”

According to Adam, everyone involved in the custody battle from the judge, therapists and Aidan’s mother’s attorney have been vehemently pro-LGBTQ and refer to Aidan in court using female pronouns.

Adam is now fighting for access to his son but shares that he won’t have access to Aidan again until he’s 10, the age in which his mother will be able to start him on puberty blockers.


Adam needs your help, and you can donate to his cause here:

Please consider donating to help Adam save his son. The link below is one that Adam shares on his official Instagram account: (

End Wokeness has more:


This is Adam Vena from California.

Adam lost custody of his son at the age of 2 after his wife decided that their son is a girl. When he spoke out against this, he got a 5 year restraining order.

Please help spread awareness about this story and move the hell out of California before its too late.

Clearly, the state of California has zero interest in protecting children, whether they’re inside or outside the womb. Their primary focus is on advancing the progressive movement, even if it means sacrificing the lives and mental health of children. Once more, women are at the forefront of this push, decimating the traditional nuclear family with their LGBTQ Jihad. They treat their children like cutesy little progressive props, earning brownie points and attention from their fellow crazies.

Anonymous ID: 9d9ee6 Dec. 19, 2023, 6:56 a.m. No.20099195   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9215 >>9447


This explanation is on the GivesendGo donation for Adam


Adam went to work one day, and throughout the day, his girlfriend sent a picture of his 2 year old son wearing a dress. Adam politely asked his girlfriend NOT to dress his son like a little girl. He found out months later that the girlfriend was STILL putting dresses on young Aiden and hiding it from Adam. Aiden told his dad that his mother was making him wear dresses and Adam told his son that boys do not wear dresses.


Fast forward to the custody battle, where Aidens mom was making such a dramatic ordeal over Aiden's "gender identity" that a gender assessment was scheduled. Aiden's mom was allowed to attend. Adam was NOT. Doctors assessment was that Aiden did not have gender dysphoria, but gender curiosity.


Regardless, Adam was now suffering health concerns regarding the stress he was facing because of the treatment of his son without his consent. The custody battle was "paused' and Adam had hoped it would calm things down. Instead, mom took the opportunity to continue dressing Aiden in girls clothes and now addressing him as a girl, changing his pronouns and emailing the school that Aiden was now a transgender.


Due to his outrage over this, courts blocked Adam from having any access to Aiden's medical files, issues restraining orders and have removed all parenting time and authority from Adam. Because he doesn't want to mutilate and confuse his son.


Adam and his beautiful son Aiden are victims of the transgender ideology, the obsession with transitioning and mutilating children, and a system that is compromised.


The judge in Adam's case has made a name for himself on LGBTQ cases. The attorney for Aiden's mom uses SHE/HER pronouns. The radical left has gotten their claws into the adults surrounding this child, and he has little to no hope. No on on his side, except his father, who cannot help. He has been ostracized, alienated and his rights removed. He is rendered helpless to protect his child.


We must raise money to help Adam hire a GOOD attorney willing to fight for this child.

Anonymous ID: 9d9ee6 Dec. 19, 2023, 6:58 a.m. No.20099215   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9235


The lesson to other California parents should be:


Leave CA if you have children there, they are being perverted as we speak. And do not go to a transfriendly pervert states

Anonymous ID: 9d9ee6 Dec. 19, 2023, 7:28 a.m. No.20099333   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9373 >>9448 >>9481 >>9604


December 18, 2023 (a day ago)

One of the biggest free speech cases this country has ever seen unfolded in a New York City courtroom. It involved a young man by the name of Douglass Mackey, who, back in 2016, shared a funny, satirical meme on Twitter mocking Hillary Clinton’s voters by suggesting they could avoid the line by texting their vote.

Mr. Mackey was arrested by the FBI and charged with conspiracy to interfer with an election. He was eventually convicted and now faces seven months in a federal prison. The ironic thing about this case was that it was over a joke that both sides partook in over the course of the 2016 election. As a matter of fact, a left-wing activist named Kristina Wong took this joke several steps further than Mr. Mackey by actually dressing up as a Trump supporter and filming herself giving incorrect voting information. It’s fair to note that Ms. Wong was never arrested, and her tweet was never removed.

The Mackey case has sparked outrage among Americans across the political spectrum. It’s a disheartening day for the United States when mocking and poking fun at politicians or their supporters becomes a criminal issue. Meanwhile, assorted polls indicate that a majority of Americans believe cheating influenced the 2020 election. Yet, voicing this opinion often results in being branded an “election denier” by a mouth-frothing group of government bootlickers.

Mr. Mackey recently won a legal victory when a bipartisan panel of judges granted him a ‘”stay.” This decision means Mr. Mackey won’t have to report to prison while he and his team appeal this miscarriage of justice. Following his legal win, Mr. Mackey has been actively engaging with the media, bringing his case back into the public eye.

Many Americans, including some previously unaware of his situation, are shocked at the Biden regime’s shameless attack on our First Amendment. The tide is turning as the American public rallies behind Mr. Mackey, recognizing that this case extends beyond just him and a meme. It’s establishing a dangerous precedent that will allow the regime to trample over our rights whenever they feel like it. So, with the tide turning, the regime resorts to its usual tactics—they’re circling the wagons and employing media propagandists to target Mr. Mackey.

In a desperate attempt to shift the narrative away from free speech, where it belongs, they’re vilifying Mr. Mackey for controversial statements he made online as a youth. And of course, CNN is leading this charge.CNN’s recent article zeroes inon his contentious past comments,yet conspicuously avoids addressing the shameless and dangerous assault on U.S. free speech rights.

This is a classic “bait and switch” diversion by the Biden administration, aiming to redirect American attention from their fundamental rights to the provocative words of someone who was just a young guy grappling with internet fame in the “wild west” days of Twitter, nearly eight years ago. If you recall the Twitter landscape back in 2016, it was a free-for-all where many made controversial statements for shock value, often to provoke and rile left-wing media and activists. Now, nearly a decade later, CNN is unearthing these old posts as a tactic to deflect attention from Mr. Mackey’s compelling First Amendment argument.Their goal is to persuade you that he’s not deserving of defense. If they succeed in undermining his case, it could make it much easier for them to erode your rights in the future. See how this works?

Douglass Mackey’s legal team

BREAKING: Statement on forthcoming CNN hit piece. James Lawrence, civil attorney for Doug Mackey:

Link to statement:


DONATE to protect our First Amendment rights and American liberties.

Meme Defense Fund:

(Tax-deductible check or cash donations can be made out to “American Cause—Meme Defense—10321 Hunt Farm Ln, Oakton, VA 22124)

GiveSendGo: …

Anonymous ID: 9d9ee6 Dec. 19, 2023, 7:35 a.m. No.20099355   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9448 >>9481 >>9604

19 Dec, 2023

NATO troops directly involved in Ukraine conflict – Russia

Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu has claimed that US, UK, and Polish military personnel are operating air defense and multiple launch rocket systems


Several NATO member states have boots on the ground in the Ukraine conflict, Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu has claimed. He alleged thatWestern military personnel are operating certain weapons systems, and that hundreds of satellites belonging to the US-led military bloc are providing Kiev with surveillance.


Speaking at a meeting of Defense Ministry officials on Tuesday, where President Vladimir Putin was also present, Shoigu stated that “NATO service members aredirectly operating air defense systems, tactical ballistic missiles, and multiple launch rocket systems” in Ukraine. He cited radio intercepts featuring English and Polish speakers. According to the minister, Western officers are also playing an active role in preparing Ukrainian military operations as well as training troops, both in their home countries and in Ukraine.


Russian officials have repeatedly warned that ever-deepening Western involvement in the conflict unnecessarily increases the chances of a direct military confrontation between NATO and Moscow.


The Russian defense chief went on to claim thatmore than 5,000 foreign fighters have been killed since hostilities brokeout in February 2022, with 1,427 Polish, 466 US, and 344 UK nationals among them.


“Working in the Ukrainian Armed Forces’ interest are 410 NATO military and dual-purpose space devices,” Shoigu estimated.


He also lauded Russia’s defense industry for ramping up production in the past 18 months and helping prevent ammunition shortages on the front lines. “Despite the sanctions, we are manufacturing more high-tech weaponry than NATO countries,” Shoigu continued.


The minister concluded by stating that “as of today, the Russian army is the best-prepared and most combat-ready in the world, armed with cutting-edge weapons tested in combat.”


Putin insisted at the same meeting that the West’s efforts to inflict a strategic defeat on Russia have failed.


Speaking to the Ukrainian branch of US state-run broadcaster Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty (RFE/RL) on Friday, Kiev’s former ambassador to the UK, Vadim Prystaiko, claimed thatBritain is developing plans to potentially deploy troops to Ukraine.


The diplomat, who was fired after criticizing Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky, went on to suggest that while Western officials will deny any such plans, foreign deployments are still possible under certain circumstances.




(Isn’t this a violation of international law and essentially using NATO illegally? Cheaters gonna cheat and die!)

Anonymous ID: 9d9ee6 Dec. 19, 2023, 7:42 a.m. No.20099377   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9448 >>9481 >>9604

19 Dec, 2023 11:32

Russia has free hand in Ukraine conflict now – Putin

Moscow’s ultimate goals remain unchanged, the president has said


Russia has the initiative in the Ukraine conflict and is at liberty to conduct military action as it sees fit, President Vladimir Putin stated at a Defense Ministry meeting on Tuesday.


The president analyzed the frontline situation as part of a report on Russian military achievements in 2023. He also thanked soldiers and officers for their contributions during the event.


In his speech,Putin stressed that the country had no intention to change the objectivesthat it set for itself when it decided to deploy troops against Ukraine in early 2022.


Describing the current advantage of Russian troops, Putin said: “In essence, we are doing what we consider necessary, what we want. Wherever… commanders decide active defense is best, it takes place. And where it is needed, we improve our positions.”


Meanwhile, Ukraine has suffered significant casualties and is running out of reserves, the president added. He claimed that Kiev’s military strategy was motivated by a wish “to show to their true masters at least some results of their much-hyped so-called counteroffensive.”


Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu previously estimated that Ukrainian casualties between early June and late November had surpassed 125,000. During the event on Tuesday, the ministry estimated Kiev’s losses since the start of the hostilities to be over 383,000.


Putin declared that Western attempts to inflict a “strategic defeat” on Russia in the Ukraine conflict were thwarted by the bravery and resolve of Russian soldiers. The country’s military has become more powerful and its defense industry more capable, he said.


Russian military researchers and workers are “reacting faster [than Westerners] to current events, to the needs of those who fight on the battlefield,” according to Putin. Defense factories have boosted arms production by 2.7 times on average in 2023, and up to seven times for the most in-demand products, he said.


The US and its allies have pledged to assist Ukraine against Russia with arms and funds for “as long as it takes” to defeat it. But amid the lackluster results of the counteroffensive, Kiev has found securing Western long-term military and financial assistance harder.


In the US, Republican lawmakers have blocked the White House’s request for over $110 billion in foreign security spending, of which more than $60 billion was meant for Ukraine. The opposition demands concessions from the administration of President Joe Biden, a Democrat, on immigration and border security.


Meanwhile, the EU has failed to pass a European Commission proposal to spend €50 billion ($54 billion) from the union’s joint budget to support Ukraine over the next four years. Hungary, a long-time skeptic of the Western strategy for the conflict, vetoed it last week.

Anonymous ID: 9d9ee6 Dec. 19, 2023, 7:54 a.m. No.20099417   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9424 >>9448 >>9451 >>9481 >>9604

(That picture seems to mean that the WEF is there God.)

19 Dec, 2023

No Russia at Davos – ambassador

It’s a loss for the World Economic Forum, not for Moscow, the Russian envoy in Switzerland says


Russia will again be absent from the annual meeting of the World Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos early next year, Russian Ambassador to Switzerland Sergey Garmonin has confirmed.


The high-profile gathering of international business and political figures is scheduled to take place at the Swiss Alpine resort betweenJanuary 15 and 19.


“Russia will not be represented at the World Economic Forum in Davos, since the organizers didn’t send invitations to the Russians last year and this year,” Garmonin told TASS news agency on Tuesday.


Russia skipped Davos 2023 after the organizers said its participation at the event would be “unwelcome” due to Moscow’s military operation in Ukraine. According to the WEF, its relations with Russian firms sanctioned due to conflict were frozen.


The ambassador said he didn’t think Russia would lose anything by missing out on the WEF again in 2024. “In my opinion, only the forum itself loses from such a decision,” he said. According to Garmonin,Moscow “will continue to solve… problems in other formats and on other platforms.”


The diplomat also criticized plans by the Swiss organizers to hold a meeting dedicated to discussions about Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky’s ten-point peace plan to settle the conflict with Russia. Meetings like this “are divorced from reality and lack any added value. They will not bring peace any closer,” he argued.


Zelensky’s “peace formula” calls for Russia’s withdrawal from all territories claimed by Kiev, reparations from Moscow, and a war crimes tribunal.


Ukraine “is in no position to put forward any ultimatums to Russia, and everyone understands this perfectly well,” Garmonin insisted. “The Kiev regime, which has no hopes of achieving even the slightest success on the battlefield, is denying the obvious and feeding the West with unfeasible projects in its attempts to solicit yet another military assistance package.”


Russia’s Deputy UN Ambassador Dmitry Polyanskiy said last week that Kiev had squandered its chances of a “favorable”agreement with Moscow. “Any possible deal now will be reflecting its capitulation,” he wrote on X (formerly Twitter.)


During his Q&A session on Thursday, Russian President VladimirPutin insisted that “there will be peace [in Ukraine] when we achieve our goals.”The aims of the Russian military operation “are not changing,” and include the “denazification and demilitarization of Ukraine, its neutral status,” Putin reiterated.

Anonymous ID: 9d9ee6 Dec. 19, 2023, 8:31 a.m. No.20099551   🗄️.is 🔗kun


This senate staffer sexcapade in Senate chambers is just the tip of the spear. The perversion, corruption and all out treason against the country and citizens need to be fully revealed. Then DC needs to be flushed down the drain into the sewer, and then an American Capitol far away, somewhere in the middle of the country needs to be built. New laws on congress and senate the first violation of taking lobbyists money the member and company heads go to jail. Lobbying is responsible for the destruction of our Republic and they probably introduce perversions to blackmail people. I hope Santos has actual evidence so he can prove what he’s talking about.


Vance, MTG, Caine, Gaetz etc have said the place is off the charts with corruption, perversion and violations, numerous laws. They said No One would believe how bad it is there. Basically the House & Senate are a huge Mafia organization, along with all the useless agencies of the federal government along with the NGOs