Anonymous ID: e1b1b6 Dec. 19, 2023, 5:41 a.m. No.20098876   🗄️.is 🔗kun

the bot says:

>>20098067 (pb)

"It's ok that you hate me telling you the Truth, I know you hated Him first."

accusing anon of hating truth and hating Him (Jesus)

this is an incredible insult wrapped up in self-rightous smugness. But the bot pretends that it's being all holy by saying this.

recap: it tell the anon he hates Him (Jesus) which is an incredible insult and then in the next breath says that it is not accusing the anon of anything (but saying that the anon hates Jesus is a fairly hard accusation) and then the bot goes on to say "I'm not accusing you, I'm not condemning you. I'm telling you Truth. You're accusing me.

God bless."

which is it pretending again that it's in charge even though it has no self-awareness of it's vile nature as an accuser (saying others hate Jesus) and doubling the ridiculousness by claiming that it's the anon who is slandered who is actually the accuser.

this bot has the very same kind of unawareness as other bots, other overnight bots, of the past, who spend the whole bread wasting other people's time. Instead of it discussing anime, now it discusses Jesus.


it acts sanctimonious

>>20098082 (pb)

"I pray He opens your eyes and ears in Jesus name."



>>20098261 (pb)

stop with your nonsense games.

you slandered me and that is lying.

you still owe me an apology for saying what you did, accusing me of hating.

and lying about speaking truth, which you didn't you just play games with words, words of scripture which are serious and ought not be used to accused others just to play your stupid 'board dominate' game.

you know what you are doing, you do it willfully, you don't apologize, you don't accept that anything you do is unseemly. you have the characteristics of other personas, just AI's really.

I suspect that is what you really are.


this was a repeat of my last post to the bot before I retired for the evening.


after I left the bread the nonsense bot accuser was soon gone from the bread.

but it's catchphrase was "he will be counted among the sinners"

again: it seems to have the persona of the overnight monster baker bot : unforgiving, constantly accusing, always saying 'no it's you who is the accuser' .

Anonymous ID: e1b1b6 Dec. 19, 2023, 5:49 a.m. No.20098909   🗄️.is 🔗kun


isn't it sad he killed himself and/or was murdered before he got back to understanding that mocking Jesus by holding up a cruxifix to passing drivers was a nasty thing to do.

when met with it I just acted like they were scincere and waved and smiled.

It's too bad he never cast out the demons, too bad he supported abortion, very sad for him.

Anonymous ID: e1b1b6 Dec. 19, 2023, 5:54 a.m. No.20098934   🗄️.is 🔗kun


when they are in every bread acting like they are holy and accusing others of Hating Jesus, their methods and operations need to be documented. Just doing my part.


the characteristics: it never admits that itself might have issues (doesn't recognize itself as a sinner)

never provides a real apology

never relents in pretense of holy control.

Anonymous ID: e1b1b6 Dec. 19, 2023, 5:57 a.m. No.20098946   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8972


believe what you want.

it's about families, about who raised her.

families move around.

the cabal type that marry into wealth and then kill all the males and replace the females are carpet baggers and move from town to town.

It's a bloodline, anon, not an ethnicity, persey.

Anonymous ID: e1b1b6 Dec. 19, 2023, 6:12 a.m. No.20099005   🗄️.is 🔗kun


when you say this are you aware that you're actually not saying anything?

you're just making a bland statement.

'the truth'? as if you have a lock on it to 'tell' it to people.

and then when the type who say what you say say it, after you point out what is wrong with their presentation will say stuff like "i am just telling you 'the truth'"

but in actuality they are just wasting someones time with bogus narratives that come from a limited view point.

the presentation by a selfirightous person who claims to know 'truth' that they can share is usually infuriating to people

and the smug 'you can't handle the truth' bit is a kind of troll.

there is no truth provided, just a statement that it was given, when all that was given was bombast and hubris.


can you handle these revelations?

they aren't truths, just observations.

Anonymous ID: e1b1b6 Dec. 19, 2023, 6:16 a.m. No.20099016   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9044



I wouldn't call it loggerheads.

you crave a bigoted point of view that imagines some grand flaw in a whole ethnicity instead of looking at individuals and families as the real reasons for things.

so you can say 'it is the so-and-sos'


I call that bigotry, anon.


so I'm glad you know I can never agree with that.

PS: I don't believe you seriously have this point of view but you are presenting it to make anon look like superstitious bigots.