god dammit i hate women
Do you think she takes dick while her husband's deployed?
9/11 question: You know how the towers collapsed about 1.5 to 2 hours after the planes hit? Did the jews wait that long to demolition the towers in order to give the goyim a chance to escape?
It doesn't matter because there's not going to be another election. Trump was the last president. The deep-state's scripted civil war is coming.
I'm convinced Baron Trump is going to be our emperor. There's that strange book. Plus, Baron seems really odd.
Pizzagate ultimately leads to Israel and magic.
we can't eat fastfood anymore.
had to buy groceries less frequently.
stopped buying certain groceries to save money
only if you promise to subvert white countries for them.
looks like her bountiful breasts are trying to break free from their bondage.