You must be one of these inbred tards if you are offended by this kek.
Learn the proper use of an ellipsis before you criticize my meme skills faggot.
>This vibrant city in Black Hawk County boasts a rich and dynamic history
Struggled a bit in school pal? Good, you'll fit right in with the crowd in Iowa.
>Didn't realize they let the special needs kids bake now. God this place has gone downhill.
>Are they the wrong kind of Trump supporters?
Just a snapshot of the state of the maga movement.
>even the redneck tard in anon's neighborhood took his Trump sign down โ last year
Maybe people are coming to their senses. Republican party needs a reset.
>Haha the absolute state when the only people who are backing you up aren't even American.
Half the people here are lonely britfags who just want a place to belong. Sad really.
>Only God stops this shit. The world is too messed up.
I remember when we were motivated to make change ourselves through research and bringing eyes to the real problems. All this God will save us bullshit is part of the problem. Only lazy people use God as a crutch.
Only 84 UID during a Trump event. I'm thinking people are coming to their senses.
Are you defending pedophiles right now? Typical maga.
Sorry not a glowie. Just not a retard. Fun to watch you retards play in your sandbox though.
He didn't know his name, he might be COGNITIVE
>you sure piss and moan a lot. Whatโs your fucking plan there sweet tits? how you gonna save the country faggot?
It should be a team effort, as it was in the beginning of all this. The problem is that the team has been compromised. If these people are our team, we can't win. Trump stroking the egos of literal retards has empowered the retards to think they are saving this country by leaning on God or by thinking Trump is some second coming of King David lol. We need to get back to work.
I hear one of the cattle in the background getting restless. Better wrap it up lol
Watch the crowd. These are your people?
Okay time to sell bobble heads and chuck norris brand viagara. The absolute state.
He's never going to sleep with you Karli.
Ok let the sweaty womans ass poster bake. Lets see how that goes.
I care because I'm not a shill? Been posting and baking longer than you've been here faggot.