Goes to court and loses his ship license.
Was thinking about this movie recently and how it could relate to current events.
Goes to court and loses his ship license.
Was thinking about this movie recently and how it could relate to current events.
Was about to post it but I don't want to get kicked out.
>Question for Statisticfags
>Who had moar 'invaders' in 2023, The Ukraine or The USA?
Great meme ammo
I forgot all about how to do graphs and stats but don't really need one:
Pre-invasion total: 196,600 military 102,000 paramilitary July 2022 total: up to 700,000 September 2023 total: over 800,000 Russian Military in Ukraine.
Migrants (probably a 10% of actual): The 2.5 million encounters of migrants occurring at the U.S.-Mexico border in fiscal year (FY) 2023 represent a new historic high, topping the prior year's record, as has been widely noted since the recent release of year-end government statistics.Oct 22, 2023