Anonymous ID: 0202d2 Dec. 20, 2023, 11:53 a.m. No.20105622   🗄️.is đź”—kun



Polish public media chiefs dismissed, news channel stops broadcasting as the new pro-European government takes control

Anonymous ID: 0202d2 Dec. 20, 2023, 12:37 p.m. No.20105754   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>5766


>Biden Reacts to Colorado Supreme Court Decision to Bar His Main Political Opponent from Ballot: “No Question” Trump Supported Insurrection


>Joe Biden on Wednesday traveled to Milwaukee, Wisconsin to deliver remarks at the Wisconsin Black Chamber of Commerce.


>A reporter on the tarmac asked Joe Biden about the Colorado Supreme Court’s decision to bar Trump from the 2024 ballot.


>The legal challenge to block Trump from the 2024 presidential ballot in Colorado citing the 14th Amendment headed to the state’s supreme court earlier this month.


>The legal theories are based on Section 3 of the US Constitution’s 14th Amendment which states public officials who have “engaged in insurrection or rebellion against” the US may be disqualified from public office.


>Trump has not been charged with engaging in insurrection or rebellion against the United States.


>However, Joe Biden on Wednesday said there is “no question” Trump supported an insurrection.


>“Whether the 14th Amendment applies, we’ll let the Court make that decision,” Biden said to reporters on the tarmac.


>“He certainly supported an insurrection. No question about it. None. Zero. He seems to be doubling down on about everything,” Biden said of Trump.


>“Your reaction to the Colorado ruling!?” a reporter shouted as Biden shuffled to his motorcade.


>“I’m not gonna comment on a court case! That’s up to the court,” Biden said.


>This is typical of Joe Biden. He hides like a coward as his hired gun Jack Smith and radical justices do the dirty work to mortally wound his main political opponent.

