Anonymous ID: 197bcd Dec. 20, 2023, 12:33 p.m. No.20105744   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5746 >>5774




>Colorado court officials — including the chief justice of the Supreme Court — were trying to ensure the personal misconduct of nearly two dozen judges and administrators remained secret




>Colorado judiciary's sexual harassment scandal faces lack of transparency


Here's the memo:


Even the investigator stated n his report that he couldn‘t prove Mind fabricated any


The reason for the termination s potential debunked. Also, Mindy hasa sgnifcant number of

examples where "tone at the top" was not appled equal.

Instances where Judges where NOT held tothe tone atthe top" but who have violated

poly significantly:

  • No investigation was held when the anonymous allegations of sexism and harassment

were madl against the Chef Justice and Chad. She wa told to destroy the letter

+: Judge sends pornographic video over judlcl emal; nothing happened to him he was

appointed Chief Judge less than two years later Judge sent a video over Judi Branch

emallto another Judge. The video depicts a woman performing sexual acts on a bald

man‘s head. The Judge suffered no repercussions for ending the video, and infact, was

promoted to Chit Judge a few months later. Tarned the matter over to the Chie Justice

who took no action

  • Negotiated a release agreement with a law clerk who accused her COA Judge of

harassment in order to keep the COA Judge "safe" during the selection Supreme Court

Justice selection process per th chief Justice

+: Judge exposed and rubbed his haty chest on a female employees back; no action taken

anaintthe judge; judge is currently being considered forthe senior Judge programm

+: Current pending EE0C complaint against two Justices.

  • Mindy recommended t Chie Judge Euenhold it was inthe bes Interest ofthe branch

to terminate Mr. Duarte due tothe semval relationships he had with his staff Chief

Judge Kuenhold stated that Mind needed "to leave the courthouse and drive slowly out


Instances where top level Managers n and outside SCAO (including two in Finance) were NOT

held tothe ‘tone at the top" leve of accountability.

+. Evidence a Financial manager accessed personal nformation on various leaders

throughout the stat using Aceurint for no business reason; no dicipline taken on him

and he was promated less than two years ater to deputy director.

+: Financial manager investigated twice fo harassing behavor. Receives more staff and a

bette office. No mention ofthe complaints n his 2017 performance appraisal

  • Director of FSD complained about not working "even banker‘s hours" by staf. Staf of

other division fallow him to his bar and home and track that he does not place time in

PTO system an is seen at home at 3:00 pm often or at bar.

  • CPO takes picture of pens and sends t vendo no dicilinary action taken

*. CPO has sex vith a vendor on state time and on state property who later complains she

felt she had to in order to keep her job; no disciplinary ction taken

*. Court Adminstrator accused of asking an employee to backdate a document, no

disciplinary acton taken

+. Director of Court Services and FSD Director

+. €20 directing all staf to swat a female on the backside, no isclnary action taken

Systemic examples of harassment

Anonymous ID: 197bcd Dec. 20, 2023, 12:34 p.m. No.20105746   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5774


>Here's the memo:


  • Female employees in the room snapping finger in unison asking when opportunites for

women wil eve be provided.


  • Requested to convert part of the access to Justice postion to address diversity and

inclusion; request ignored and thereby denied


  • Windy‘s the only female Divison Director out of 7.


  • Data shows 73% ofall terminated employees are female.


+. Data shows females are promoted at a slower rate than men but performance on

average is higher.


+. After attempting to creat a diversity and inclusion committee was tld creating a

diversity committee would never y with the court and we aren‘t going to create an

affematve action plan.


  • Was told by Chief Judges she needed to seek thelr permission to conduct harassment

and discrimination investigations in districts, an seek thelr permission to vsltistrcts

before coring after an intense investigation ofa Judge and Court Adminstrator for

sexual harassment. This directive was gen in order to suppress complaints.

Recollection o this event occurred in the 2018 Jucical Conference bya Chief Judge n

the audience who was questioning f that matter ever resolved and recognizing that this

was wrong.


Report from a Justice about why MM wasn‘t selected for the poston:

Insinvates the entre Supreme Court made the decison she idn‘t ge the SCA postion based

on her gender by th folowing comments to Mindy after she didnt et the job:


+. "You have to get inside these guys minds‘ when their thinking about picking a boss."


  • "You don‘t look the part"


  • "You‘re a small womans you don‘ look the par."


*= "there‘ sexism out there stl, even in the government. Ifyou don‘t think there is,

you‘re wrong."


+. ‘Need to dress les ikea woman and more tke an attomey on 17° street "


+: When she askifthere was anthing she could do to better postion herselfin the futur,

she was told, "Outside of running out and getting your lw degree, thre‘ not much you

ean do" The postion only required a bachelor‘s degree and is currently occupied by a

nor—holdng JD

Anonymous ID: 197bcd Dec. 20, 2023, 12:44 p.m. No.20105774   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5781


>Judge sends pornographic video over judlcl emal; nothing happened to him he was


>appointed Chief Judge less than two years later J



"investigative report"