Anonymous ID: 4e7952 Dec. 20, 2023, 10:34 a.m. No.20105306   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5317 >>5325 >>5330 >>5336

Smoke and Mirrors: New Evidence Suggests That NO Audit was Performed by Election Machine Testing Company as Claimed by Georgia Secretary of State


The “Claim”

On November 17, 2020, Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger made an announcement that an audit “using forensic techniques” was completed with “no sign of foul play” in the 2020 election. The statement previously appeared on the Secretary of State’s webpage and is still available via the Wayback Machine here.


From the statement:


Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger last week ordered Pro V&V, a U.S. Election Assistance Commission certified testing laboratory, to do an audit of a random sample of machines to confirm no hack or tamper: “Pro V&V found no evidence of the machines being tampered.”


Pro V&V conducted an audit of a random sample of Dominion Voting Systems voting machines throughout the state using forensic techniques, including equipment from Cobb, Douglas, Floyd, Morgan, Paulding, and Spalding Counties. ICP, ICX, and ICC components were all subject to the audit. In conducting the audit, Pro V&V extracted the software or firmware from the components to check that the only software or firmware on the components was certified for use by the Secretary of State’s office. The testing was conducted on a Pro V&V laptop independent of the system.


The problem is that besides a watered-down audit “report”, there is little to no evidence that this audit actually took place. The following was from the public comment of yesterday’s State Election Board meeting in Georgia:


The “Memo”

In July 2021, an Open Records Request was sent to the state of Georgia requesting “an opportunity to inspect or obtain copies of public records that detail the results, contract, scope, and report of the audit that the Secretary of State contracted or directed Pro V&V to perform on the Dominion Voting equipment and machines after the 2020 general election.”


Three documents were returned:


  1. “Memo for field audit.pdf”

  2. “Re Memo Audit for Review_redacted.pdf”

  3. “Field Audit Report Final 1.1.pdf”


The last document, the “Field Audit Report Final 1.1.pdf” from Pro V&V was strange. For starters, the “Date” in the heading of the memo was “7/16/2021”. This was eight full months after the audit was allegedly performed in November 2020.


The Gateway Pundit wrote about this bizarre occurrence in July 2021. I personally inspected the metadata from the pdf and had several experts confirm my findings. The metadata from the memo shows it was created on July 16, 2021. And the metadata shows that it was created by Jack Cobb, the President of Pro V&V.



Anonymous ID: 4e7952 Dec. 20, 2023, 10:36 a.m. No.20105315   🗄️.is 🔗kun

John Kirby Denies Biden Regime Left U.S. Weapons in Afghanistan, Calls Accusations a ‘Fallacy’ and ‘Farce’


National Security Council spokesperson John Kirby vehemently denied allegations that the U.S. deliberately left weapons in Afghanistan during the botched withdrawal of American troops, characterizing such claims as “fallacies” and “farces.”


Kirby claimed that over 20 years, the U.S. government, with congressional approval, armed and equipped the Afghan National Security Forces. He noted that as the Taliban advanced, many Afghan forces chose not to fight, abandoning their arms. Kirby claimed that these weapons belonged to the Afghan forces, not directly left by the U.S.


“Let me remind you — please, take the opportunity to remind you: We didn’t just leave a bunch of weapons in Afghanistan. This is a fallacy. This is a farce.”


“What we did over the course of our 20 years in Afghanistan — of course, with congressional approval and consultations — was armed and helped equip the Afghan National Security Forces.”


“Now — and as we have said time and time again, that as the Taliban made advances, those Afghan National Security Forces, many of them decided not to fight but yet to lay down their arms and leave. But the — the arms that you’re talking about — and, again, I can’t verify these specific reports — belong to the Afghan National Security Forces,” he claimed.


“That what wa- — what was — that’s what was left behind — not that the United States just walked away and abandoned a bunch of weapons in a pile in Afghanistan. That’s just not — simply not historically accurate,” he added.


A recently retired U.S. Army soldier from the 82nd Airborne Division, Brock Michael, provided a conflicting account. Michael, who served four years of active duty, expressed frustration in a now-deleted video during his gear turn-in. He was charged $3,561 for equipment ordered to be abandoned during the withdrawal.


“I want to holler, I want to scream, I want to yell, but it won’t do any good. Today is gear turn-in day for me. Turn in all the gear that I’ve collected over the last four years of being active duty with the army, with the 82nd Airborne Division,” Michael stated in his video. “Two years ago, my unit deployed to Afghanistan for the Afghanistan withdrawal. We spent a few weeks over there. It was hectic, it was chaotic, it was disgusting, and it made me very disappointed in our government.”


“Today, I’m reminded of how disappointed I am in our government. Go to turn in my gear. They want to charge me $500 to $1,000 for gear that I was ordered to leave in Afghanistan two years ago. Because, as the last two birds were sitting on the tarmac ready to leave, there wasn’t any room for extra gear, extra weight. Therefore, we were told to leave it. Some lower enlisted dudes, including myself, were like, ‘No, this stuff is expensive. I’m not leaving this. I’m going to get charged for this,’” Michael said.


“When it comes time to leave, don’t worry; we’re going to catch you on the back end,” Michael recalled being told.

Anonymous ID: 4e7952 Dec. 20, 2023, 10:41 a.m. No.20105338   🗄️.is 🔗kun

New Polish government fires state media bosses


Opposition party MPs have occupied the headquarters of Warsaw’s public TV station in protest at sweeping media reforms


The Polish state TV channel TVP went dark on Wednesday morning as Prime Minister Donald Tusk’s new government attempts to address media outlets that critics have accused of acting as mouthpieces of the previous administration. Opponents of the swift reforms have said the move provides a foundation for a “dictatorship” to be established in the EU country.


Former European Council President Tusk’s pro-EU cabinet, which took office last week, said on Wednesday that it had sacked executives from the state-run television station TVP, as well as Polish Radio and the government-run PAP news agency, citing a need to restore the outlets’ impartiality.


New management boards for each entity have been appointed.

The media sources had been accused by critics, including Tusk, of acting as a propaganda tool of the Law and Justice party (PiS), attacking its political foes and spreading its Euroskeptic views.


Before October’s election, Tusk had said he would need just “24 hours” to “change the system of public media” should he gain office. On Tuesday, Warsaw’s parliament approved a resolution that called on “all state authorities to immediately take action aimed at restoring constitutional order in terms of citizens’ access to reliable information and the functioning of public media.”


The adoption of the resolution led to PiS officials, including its leader, Jaroslaw Kaczynski, staging a sit-in protest at the TVP headquarters in Warsaw on Tuesday.


“There is no democracy without media pluralism or strong anti-government media,” Kaczynski told reporters Tuesday evening. “In Poland, these are the public media.” He added that PiS lawmakers would continue to attend the sit-in in shifts.


“This is clearly an attack on the free media; it is a violation of the law,” former PiS Culture Minister Piotr Glinski said on Wednesday, adding his view that the actions of Tusk’s administration were “illegal.”


The head of Poland’s National Broadcasting Council, Maciej Swirski, a PiS appointee, described the move as “an act of lawlessness [that] recalls the worst times of martial law.”


Meanwhile, the former PiS prime minister, Mateusz Morawiecki, wrote on social media that the government’s “illegal actions” show Tusk’s government’s intentions to violate the rule of law “at every step.”


“We will not give up,” Morawiecki added. “We will not allow for a dictatorship to be built in Poland.”


Global media watchdog Reporters Without Borders wrote in a 2020 assessment of Poland’s state media landscape that “partisan discourse and hate speech are still the rule within [Poland’s] state-owned media, which have been transformed into government propaganda mouthpieces.”


State media is traditionally seen as a vital public tool in Poland. Around one-third of the population relies on it for news and has no access to private broadcasters.

Anonymous ID: 4e7952 Dec. 20, 2023, 10:45 a.m. No.20105354   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5715 >>5853 >>6014 >>6026

Dissenting Judge on CO Supreme Court Says Trump Denied Due Process, ‘Like Nothing I’ve Seen in 33 Years’.


Dissenting justices on the Colorado Supreme Court have warned the court’s decision to remove Donald Trump from the state primary ballot for “insurrection” risks sowing “chaos” throughout the country, and that the 45th President did not receive a fair trial. Despite the fact every top justice in the Centennial State was appointed by a Democratic governor, there was only a 4-3 decision to remove Trump, with Chief Justice Brian Boatright, Justice Maria Berkenkotter, and Justice Carlos Samour dissenting.


“The decision to bar former President Donald J. Trump… by all accounts the current leading Republican presidential candidate (and reportedly the current leading overall presidential candidate) from Colorado’s presidential primary ballot flies in the face of the due process doctrine,” warned Justice Samour. “There was no fair trial either,” Samour continued, expressing particular concern that Trump had never been deemed guilty of insurrection by a jury of his peers. “I have been involved in the justice system for 33 years now, and what took place here doesn’t resemble anything I’ve seen in a courtroom,” he stressed. “[M]ost other states don’t have the Election Code provisions we do [and this] will inevitably lead to the disqualification of President Trump from the presidential primary ballot in less than all 50 states, thereby risking chaos in our country,” Samour added. “This can’t possibly be the outcome the framers intended.”

Anonymous ID: 4e7952 Dec. 20, 2023, 11 a.m. No.20105422   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5715 >>6014 >>6026

More than 110 dead in northwestern China earthquake


At least 111 people are dead after a strong earthquake struck a remote corner of China, according to Chinese media reports on Tuesday.


Another 230 people were injured, houses and roads were damaged and power and communications were knocked out in parts of the northwestern provinces of Gansu and Qinghai. Water supplies were also disrupted and an unknown number of people were missing.


The quake happened 6 miles below ground just before midnight Monday, state broadcaster CCTV reported. The epicenter was about 800 miles southwest of Beijing. The U.S. Geological Survey measured the earthquake’s magnitude at 5.9, while Chinese media placed it at 6.2.


The original quake was followed by nine aftershocks of 3.0 magnitude and up by Tuesday morning, and two of them were above 4.0, BBC News reported. China’s national disaster agency and Ministry of Emergency Management activated a level-IV disaster-relief emergency.


Rescue teams were sent to assist in the emergency response. That included about 2,200 first responders from the provincial fire department and forest brigade, along professional emergency rescue teams and military and police, according to Reuters. Rescuers could be seen on footage from the region combing through rubble and debris from collapsed buildings, seeking survivors.


“All efforts should be made to carry out search and rescue, treat the injured in a timely manner, and minimize casualties,” Chinese President Xi Jinping said in a statement, according to BBC News.


Western China sees its fair share of earthquakes, situated as it is in the mountainous area arising from the Tibetan plateau’s eastern edge. The quake occurred in a high-altitude region amid cold weather with temperatures as low as 7 degrees Fahrenheit.

Anonymous ID: 4e7952 Dec. 20, 2023, 11:05 a.m. No.20105445   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5447

Syria’s Assad claims Holocaust was a lie fabricated to justify creation of Israel


Syrian dictator, who has himself been accused of genocide, says Jews weren’t specifically targeted during WWII, claims US funded Nazi Party’s rise to power


Syrian President Bashar Assad earlier this week declared that there is no evidence that six million Jews were killed during the Holocaust and accused the United States of funding the German Nazi party.


In a video of a speech by Assad translated and published by the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI) on Monday, Assad can be seen telling a listening crowd that “there is no evidence that six million Jews were killed” during the Holocaust.


“True, there were concentration camps, but what shows you that this is a politicized issue, not a humanitarian one and not a real one, is that we talk about these six million, but why don’t we talk about the 26 million Soviets who were killed in that war? Are the six million more precious?”


Syrian President Bashar Assad earlier this week declared that there is no evidence that six million Jews were killed during the Holocaust and accused the United States of funding the German Nazi party.


In a video of a speech by Assad translated and published by the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI) on Monday, Assad can be seen telling a listening crowd that “there is no evidence that six million Jews were killed” during the Holocaust.


“True, there were concentration camps, but what shows you that this is a politicized issue, not a humanitarian one and not a real one, is that we talk about these six million, but why don’t we talk about the 26 million Soviets who were killed in that war? Are the six million more precious?”


Continuing his tirade, the Syrian dictator claimed that “there was no specific method of torture or killing specific to the Jews. The Nazis used the same methods everywhere.”

Anonymous ID: 4e7952 Dec. 20, 2023, 11:37 a.m. No.20105564   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Blood Money: The Top Ten Politicians Taking the Most Israel Lobby Cash


#1 JOE BIDEN, $4,346,264

The largest recipient of Israel lobby money is President Joe Biden. From the beginning of his political career, Biden, according to his biographer Branko Marcetic, “established himself as an implacable friend of Israel,” spending his Senate career “showering Israel with unquestioning support, even when its behavior elicited bipartisan outrage.” The future president was a key figure in securing record sums of U.S. aid to the Jewish state and helped block a 1998 peace proposal with Palestine.


This has included ethnic cleansing and war crimes such as the bombing of schools, hospitals and places of worship using banned weapons like white phosphorous munitions. The arms Israel is using come supplied directly by the U.S. In November, the Biden administration rubber-stamped another $14.5 billion military aid package to Israel, ensuring the carnage would continue.


For his staunch support, Biden has received more than $4.3 million from pro-Israel groups since 1990.


#2 ROBERT MENÉNDEZ, $2,483,205

The New Jersey senator has received nearly $2.5 million in contributions and, in the wake of the Hamas attack on October 7, has been a key figure in drumming up support for Israel. Describing Operation Al-Aqsa Flood as “barbaric atrocities” that were an “affront to humankind itself,” Menéndez gave an impassioned speech on the Senate floor where he addressed Biden directly, stating:


Mr. President, in the face of unspeakable evil, we must not mince words. We must not waver in our resolve. Every single one of us in this chamber has a moral responsibility to speak out — unequivocally and unapologetically — as we stand shoulder-to-shoulder with Israel and her people. I’ve been staunchly devoted to this cause for 31 years in Congress.”


#3 MITCH MCCONNELL, $1,953,160

The Senate Minority Leader is one of the most powerful politicians in America and has used his influence to attempt to force through legislation criminalizing BDS. He has described the peaceful tactic as “an economic form of anti-Semitism that targets Israel.”


McConnell is known to be very close to Prime Minister Netanyahu and supported a bill condemning the United Nations and calling on the U.S. to continue to veto any U.N. resolution critical of Israel. Last month, he strongly opposed steps taken towards applying basic U.S. and international law on weapons shipments to Israel.


Our relationship with Israel is the closest national security relationship we have with any country in the world, and to condition, in effect, our assistance to Israel to their meeting our standards it seems to me is totally unnecessary… This is a democracy, a great ally of ours, and I do not think we need to condition the support that hopefully we will give to Israel very soon.”


McConnell has received nearly $2 million from pro-Israel groups.


#4 CHUCK SCHUMER, $1,725,324

Next on the list is McConnell’s Democratic opponent, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, who had taken over $1.7 million from Israel lobbying groups. In recent weeks, Schumer has taken the lead in steering the public conversation away from Israel’s crimes and towards a supposed rise in anti-Semitism across America. “To us, the Jewish people, the rise in anti-semitism is a crisis. A five-alarm fire that must be extinguished,” the New York Senator said, adding that “Jewish-Americans are feeling singled out, targeted and isolated. In many ways, we feel alone.”


#5 STENY HOYER, $1,620,294

The former House Majority Leader is one of Israel’s most vocal supporters in the House of Representatives. Hoyer has demanded that “Congress must immediately and unconditionally fund Israel,” thereby giving the Netanyahu administration the green light to do whatever it pleases.

Anonymous ID: 4e7952 Dec. 20, 2023, 11:40 a.m. No.20105571   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5603



The Malaysian government announced on December 20 that it had imposed a ban on all Israeli owned and flagged ships, as well as any vessels headed to Israel, from docking at its ports in response to the ongoing war on the Palestinian Gaza Strip.


The announcement by the office of Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim said that the ban would take place with immediate effect.


“This sanction is a response to Israel’s actions that disregard the basic humanitarian principles and violate international law through the ongoing massacre and continuous cruelty against the Palestinian people,” the PM’s office said in a statement.


The statement noted that Israeli-registered companies and ships had been previously allowed to dock in the country since 2005.


“However, the government today has decided to override the past Cabinet’s decision to not allow ships using Israeli flags to dock in the country,” it said.


The PM office statement also singled out the Israel-based global shipping company ZIM. “For the record, ZIM vessels have been docking in Malaysia since 2002.” It added that Malaysia also imposed “a ban on any ship that is heading to Israel from loading cargo at Malaysian ports.”


Muslim–majority Malaysia does not recognize Israel, just like nearby Indonesia, Brunei, Bangladesh, the Maldives and Pakistan. PM Anwar remains one of the most outspoken world leaders against Israel as well as its backers in the United States.


The Israeli war on Gaza, which broke out after the October 7 Hamas-led surprise attack, has so far claimed the lives of more than 19,000 Palestinians.


The Malaysian ban will further complicate shipping to Israel and harm the country’s economy as well as Israeli investments in shipping abroad. Israel is already facing a naval blockade in the Red Sea that was imposed by the Houthis (Ansar Allah) in Yemen.

Anonymous ID: 4e7952 Dec. 20, 2023, 12:21 p.m. No.20105704   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5754

Biden Reacts to Colorado Supreme Court Decision to Bar His Main Political Opponent from Ballot: “No Question” Trump Supported Insurrection


Joe Biden on Wednesday traveled to Milwaukee, Wisconsin to deliver remarks at the Wisconsin Black Chamber of Commerce.


A reporter on the tarmac asked Joe Biden about the Colorado Supreme Court’s decision to bar Trump from the 2024 ballot.


The legal challenge to block Trump from the 2024 presidential ballot in Colorado citing the 14th Amendment headed to the state’s supreme court earlier this month.


The legal theories are based on Section 3 of the US Constitution’s 14th Amendment which states public officials who have “engaged in insurrection or rebellion against” the US may be disqualified from public office.


Trump has not been charged with engaging in insurrection or rebellion against the United States.


However, Joe Biden on Wednesday said there is “no question” Trump supported an insurrection.


“Whether the 14th Amendment applies, we’ll let the Court make that decision,” Biden said to reporters on the tarmac.


“He certainly supported an insurrection. No question about it. None. Zero. He seems to be doubling down on about everything,” Biden said of Trump.


“Your reaction to the Colorado ruling!?” a reporter shouted as Biden shuffled to his motorcade.


“I’m not gonna comment on a court case! That’s up to the court,” Biden said.


This is typical of Joe Biden. He hides like a coward as his hired gun Jack Smith and radical justices do the dirty work to mortally wound his main political opponent.

Anonymous ID: 4e7952 Dec. 20, 2023, 12:35 p.m. No.20105749   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6014 >>6026

Netanyahu’s Allegations against Pakistan


Israeli PM Netanyahu has levelled an allegation against Pakistan that the Hamas fighters which are engaged in war in Gaza, are being supported by Pakistan, and the ISI which was instrumental in pushing out the occupying Soviet forces from Afghanistan in 1989, and the US-NATO forces in Aug 2021, is now physically involved in Gaza. He said that the Hamas and ISI are jointly fighting the Israeli forces in Gaza Strip.


What he implies is that Hamas at its own couldn’t have planned and executed such a daring three pronged offensive against Israel on 27 Oct, and it couldn’t have withstood the aerial bombardments and ground offensive of the IDF for such a long period at its own.


Like the USA and India, Israel is proving itself to be another bad loser. To hide its embarrassment of not being able to eliminate the Hamas within a few days, and suffering casualties daily, it is now blaming Pakistan for its failure.


Why doesn’t Netanyahu admit that Israel is the most pampered and supported country of the USA and the West, and has become the strongest power of the Middle East due to extensive backup support of the western world.


Israel wouldn’t have come on the map of the world without Britain’s role, and couldn’t have continued to gobble up more and more Palestinians territory, and continued to oppress the besieged Palestinians unabatedly for the last 75 years without the full back up support of the USA, Britain and France, and of course the Zionists.


Who else could have indulged in massive state terrorism and wanton bloodshed of the marooned people of Gaza for over nine weeks, killing well over 19000, (70% women and children), 50,000 injured, displacing 1.9 million, destroying infrastructure, health facilities, schools and refugee camps. Even the babies in incubators were not spared. Many have died a painful death under the rubble.


No place in Gaza is safe, and the city has turned into a rubble and children graveyard. The dead are being buried on roadsides and playing grounds because the graveyards are fully choked. The injured devoid of doctors, medical staff and medicine are left to die. Neither the evacuation of the injured, nor the humanitarian aid is being allowed. Gaza is without water, fuel, food, electricity supply since 8 Oct. One week truce which ended on Dec 1st, was hardly of any help.


The destruction and bloodshed is continuing unabatedly and the whole world as well as the UNSC, UN, ICJ, ICC, Human rights etc are helplessly watching the genocide.


Only Israel and India, the two darlings of the USA, can indulge in this sort of mayhem, arson, genocide and destruction, and get away with it.


The US, UK and other major European countries are pumping funds and weapons to Israel unashamedly to continue slaughtering the hapless Palestinians.

Anonymous ID: 4e7952 Dec. 20, 2023, 12:38 p.m. No.20105755   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Google To 'Limit' Answers To Election Queries On Bard AI Tool & Generative Search


Google released a blog post on Dec 19 explaining its plans to implement restrictions on specific election-related queries that its artificial intelligence (AI) bot Bard and its Search Generative Experience can answer.


It said this restriction will be enforced by early 2024, in the run-up to the presidential election in the United States.


The post pointed out that 2024 will see many other important elections around the globe alongside the U.S. presidential election.


It said it will “work with an increased focus on the role artificial intelligence (AI) might play.”


One of the primary priorities Google named was to help users identify AI-generated content. In September, it was among the first Big Tech companies to develop AI to mandate AI disclosures in political campaign ads.


YouTube, owned by Google, also updated its policies in November 2023, requiring creators to disclose generative AI use or risk suspension of their accounts.


In the same vein, Google said a new SynthID tool is now in beta stage from Google’s DeepMind, which directly embeds a digital watermark into AI-generated images and audio.


Meta, the parent company of Facebook and Instagram, banned the use of generative AI ad-creation tools for political advertisers in November.


AI’s influence on elections has been a pressing theme as the U.S. elections draw closer.


One study pointed out the potential impact on voter sentiment that AI usage on social media can present.


A study out of Europe revealed that Microsoft’s Bing AI chatbot, which has been rebranded to Copilot, gives misleading or inaccurate information about elections in around 30% of answers it gives.

Anonymous ID: 4e7952 Dec. 20, 2023, 12:46 p.m. No.20105784   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5792 >>5795 >>5811

Pete Buttigieg Blew $59,000 in Taxpayer Money on Private Jets, Inspector General Reveals


The Department of Transportation (DOT) Office of Inspector General (OIG) has revealed that Secretary Pete Buttigieg blew a whopping $59,000 in taxpayer money on private jets.


According to an inspector general audit report released Wednesday, Buttigieg and his staff have enjoyed traveling to official events on government-managed executive aircraft between August 2021 and June 2023.


The report comes as Americans continue to suffer the impact of Democrat President Joe Biden’s so-called “Bidenomics.”


As families across the country struggle to put gas in their cars or food on the table, their tax dollars have been paying for Buttigieg and his team to be jetted around in style.


The DOT OIG determined in its months-long investigation that Buttigieg opted to travel on the government fleet across eight trips and more than 20 flights


The DOT has repeatedly claimed that Buttigieg’s use of the jets saved taxpayers money.


However, the audit revealed that just three of the trips were justified by “cost-effectiveness.”


The others were claimed to be for reasons of security, scheduling, and communications concerns.


“Ensuring that Federal officials, including career personnel and political appointees, adhere to Federal requirements regarding the proper use of public resources is essential to maintaining public trust and confidence,” the DOT OIG report concludes.


“The Department has internal controls over the process to authorize and approve travel on official use of DOT aircraft, such as requiring legal review and approval of all aircraft use justifications and has implemented new ones, such as expanded voucher audit criteria, to help ensure process standardization,” it continues.


“Continued oversight in this area is important to maintain transparency and accountability for Federal funds.”


Overall, in the time period analyzed, Buttigieg’s flights cost taxpayers an estimated $58,882.


The transportation secretary used the jets, managed by the Federal Aviation Administration, to traverse the country.

Anonymous ID: 4e7952 Dec. 20, 2023, 12:52 p.m. No.20105802   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Bill Gates Prepares for ‘Pandemic X’ with New ‘Needle-Free’ mRNA Vaccines


Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates is pumping vast sums of cash into a new “needle-free” mRNA vaccine technology in preparation for the so-called “Pandemic X.”


The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation is teaming up with the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI) for the project.


CEPI was also founded by Gates with a $460 million investment.


Gates and the CEPI are investing $1.2 million in a startup to create under-the-tongue vaccine “wafers.”


The wafer can be stored at any temperature and can be administered without the use of needles.


Critics question the reliability of the technology and the safety of the mRNA platform.


With funding from Gates’ organization, the CEPI is partnering with Jurata Thin Film Inc. to develop a wafer-like mRNA film.


The wafers are taken under the tongue for needle-free mRNA vaccine delivery.


The huge cash injections from Gates will give a massive boost to help Jurata develop its proprietary vaccine platform.


According to the announcement, the $1.2M funding is just to get the project off the ground with more funding likely at later stages.


The company says its new platform stabilizes mRNA-containing lipid nanoparticle vaccine technologies in a thin film.


Jurata claims the film is designed to be “thermostable,” meaning it can be produced and stored at room temperature.


It can also remain stable for three years, eliminating the need for energy-intensive cold storage required by current mRNA vaccines.


The film can be placed inside the cheek or under the tongue to deliver the vaccine.


It can also be rehydrated with an aqueous solution and taken nasally or through other means that don’t require passage through the digestive tract.

Anonymous ID: 4e7952 Dec. 20, 2023, 1:10 p.m. No.20105857   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5944

“Israel Can Defend Itself However They Want” – Vivek Ramaswamy


Vivek sucks the Ziocock on Jimmy Dore

Anonymous ID: 4e7952 Dec. 20, 2023, 1:17 p.m. No.20105887   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6014 >>6026



On December 20 morning, the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) announced that it had carried out a series of airstrikes against targets of Hezbollah in southern Lebanon.


The targets include military sites where Hezbollah members operated and other infrastructure, according to the IDF. Lebanese media said that the airstrikes hit the outskirts of the town of Ayta al-Shab, which is a known stronghold of Hezbollah.


Following the strikes, Hezbollah announced in four separate statements that its fighters shelled the al-Abad site, fired Burkan heavy rockets at the al-Raheb site, targeted IDF howitzers near the Khirbet Maar village site and hit an Israeli infantry force in the Birkat Risha site.


In another statement, the group also said that it had fired anti-aircraft missiles at two Israeli attack helicopters which were operating over the settlements of Shtula, Shumira and Even Menachem, forcing them to retreat. This was later confirmed by the IDF, which also reported a rocket attack on northern Israel.


The attacks were carried out “to support the steadfast Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip and in support of their brave and honorable resistance,” according to the statements released by Hezbollah.


The IDF announced the second wave of airstrikes on southern Lebanon in the afternoon. The airstrikes hit military buildings, rocket launch sites, a command center, and a weapons depot of Hezbollah. The IDF also said that it had carried out tank and artillery shelling at areas along the Lebanon border, to “remove threats.”


Israeli attacks on southern Lebanon didn’t result in any civilian casualties. However, Hezbollah said that two of its fighters were killed “on the road to Jerusalem.”


The clashes on the Lebanese-Israeli border first broke out after the start of the war in Gaza, with Hezbollah and its allies carrying out attacks in support of the Strip.


So far, the clashes on the border have resulted in four civilian deaths on the Israeli side, as well as the deaths of seven IDF soldiers. On the Lebanese side, more than 120 have been killed. The toll includes 108 Hezbollah members, ten of whom were killed in Syria, 16 Palestinian fighters, at least 14 civilians and three journalists.