Q+ is now fully and demonstratively INSULATED from ANTICIPATED cult 4am talking point 2024-2028 that will likely go like this: "Because Trump refuses to use executive powers to stop the DOJ and Court system from prosecuting high level politicians, he's a horrible far right nazi fascist dictator!'.
Now they can't have that work because right now Biden is himself refusing to drop FALSE charges against Q+.
Certainly anyone who carries a dialectic of inconsistency so acute that they simultaneously support prosecuting a person using false information and do not support prosecuting a person using true information, their narrative 'influence' will have zero credibility.
Everything they're doing to Q+ they are also setting the stage for their own narrative and intent to itself be dialectically sublimated in full consistency with their own initial invocation of dialectic inconsistent pairs of information were seeing right now.
If "history" is truly nothing but a dialectic run by a force that implements both good and demonic demierge, so why not "participate" in the evil, it's just part of history as allegedly 'revealed' to the activist 'philosophers', then that very same narrative carries its own negation and ultimate destruction according to its own system parameters.
The Old Guard can only perpetuate if the false information it outputs are trusted as from a system seeking consistency, reciprocality, fairness, truth, instead of the actual truth, which is that it is seeking power for itself at the expense of truth being divided into known and unknown 'manifested' by the presence of knowing deception and deceit in voice and print while "internalizing" the truth about the mechanics of world it is allegedly describing.
The Old Guard collapses when its inconsistencies are understood correctly as knowing deception to control human beings allegedly decided as being in 'the other'.
An ancient pre-enlightenment worldview and implementation of slavery, of fiat unit of exchange (Roman Empire collapsed because its currency was overrun by fiat traffickers, 'devaluing gold with lead/tin, stamped with a 'symbol' narrative legitimized by word of installed Emperor'), of human trafficking, was running 'outside' of any one government control, for it was arbitraging its own implemented political structure of the world's governments, exploiting information asymmetries, currency exchange rates, keeping some nations and races poor, other races and nations wealthy, on purpose, to deceive the populations into believing as 'natural' that they are divided by race, religion, sex, and political affiliation.
Over generations…
In the shadows.
Printing currency to 'buy' governments, and control over humanity.
Slavery hasn't ended. It's the largest today it has ever been in human history. The 'movies' of slavery are to distract us from the real slavery.
Who really controls the world's money? They are 'private', and its sycophant intellectuals are ready to accept bribes and income in exchange for loyalty to the idea that money cannot be controlled by the public because the public can't be trusted to control its own means of exchange.
That it requires control by 'trusted 'philosophers' and 'academics' and 'talking heads' all bobbing their heads nodding with the idea that explicitly declares that those sycophants themselves are too dishonest, too untrustworthy, too weak, too corruptible, that the world is better off if money was controlled by one family last name?
Isn't that monarchy in economic/livelihoods of people form?
If a person says humans can't be trusted, they are really saying they themselves can't be trusted, for they are human with the same logical structure of mind, using finite means to achieve desired ends over time.
There are no 'ubermenschen', or 'menschen', or 'untermenschen' independent of the human idea introducing that information that is trusted as true by any other consciousness, as being something other than what it is, something other than an introduction of inconsistent idea pairs in 'unified' narrative final declaration as 'revealed', knowingly for the purposes of controlling the minds and bodies of other human beings.