Looks like the useless shitpost spamming narcissist is really triggered bigly tonight. The shills are losing their minds.
Nah I just enjoy making the shills squirm and change tactics. A lot of it due to boredom. Also enjoy seeing the censorship attempts to protect the hall monitor shills. God bless you though.
Satanic pig. You know, I wonder why they gave him the name "pig". It's common knowledge the 3 letters are filled with big gay homosexual faggots. The way pig screams in caps gives the clear impression he's under 5 foot 8. They probably call him pig because he's the one getting pig roasted at the cubicle farm office. The more you know.
Dangle dangle. Look at all those absolutely useless spam shitposts adding literally nothing of value to the board.
Famefag shills are famefagging. Projection shills are projecting.
Notice that muhgaytriot, Vatican shill and muhjoo all stop when smoking pepe and pig are defending their famefaggot board personality image?
You can really get a full sense of their seethe from thousands of miles away. Must suck to have 4 years of work destroyed after trying to infiltrate.
Q won't post on a comped board. They said they would stop posting for good to safeguard the tripcode
They are triggered bigly. Anon did that.