Who did 9/11?
What will unite the country again?
Who have we been saving for last?
Buckle up.
Who did 9/11?
What will unite the country again?
Who have we been saving for last?
Buckle up.
Most of you are not ready for the Truth.
We can't wait any longer.
The choice to know will be yours.
The End is not for everyone.
I've had bosses where I wanted to shake their hand and thank them for employing. Most though I've wanted to shit on something they own, like their wife's chest.
Child support must be abolished. It abuses men.
I wanna suck those Tits of Freedom in the name of America.
Whatever happened to Mouthy Buddah? He got deplatformed from the entire internet. Even his bitchute account got shut down. Who shut it down, and why? What truth did he say?
waiting for dat fresh bread so i can get my overnight shit post on.