All is lost until Real American Patriots remove both aliens and invaders regardless of their DNA.
You betrayed your families and your countries.
All is lost until Real American Patriots remove both aliens and invaders regardless of their DNA.
You betrayed your families and your countries.
That would still be better than fucking the family like you do.
You fucking molester of children
Why then wait for their destruction and fight on their timeline and battlefield.
I thought our military was the best, they are a fucking joke, worthless pussies. TRAITORS
>Someone calmly and slowly explain
You thought you could avoid the fight
They knew they could get you to fight when it suit them, and you placated, allowing them to build out their systems and bring in your capture/killer.
You did this to your family and community by being a keyboard warrior you forsaken everything important for the promise of Peace & Safety
If you ever read your bible you would know that does not end well for you and it isn't god but the devil.
don't blame the criminals for criminal behavior
blame yourself, the government, your family, your daddy for his lies, your church, your unit who followed illegal orders.
Men of your own tribe did this to you and are still doing it to you. But raise a flag and allow them to continue to corral you and yours forever.
Slave mentality but boastful Americans who love their possessions more than anything.
Their are no real men in America
they all need the approval of the group
see the matching outfits
>21.6 million veterans and so many with combat experience
doing drugs
mentally destroyed because of guilt from serving the beast and killing children for bankers
20 million fighting age males who those men allowed to walk into the country, then celebrated R's shipping them all over the country.
You men are worthless to your family or your city, you can't save both, but falsely believe you can.
65% of you will be dead from a list your government provided to the qualified teams dispatched for your special boy status elimination.
72 hours of darkness is all they need and all will be scattered, more then you are now.
Catholics control Israel
Israel controls America
Israel orders America to help rebuild China
China, by Israel's order from the Vatican is the new economy new boss and the reward is the spoils of America.
Israel first Christians are your master and your killer
>And the U.S.A owns China
And does not want to pay the liable unfunded liabilities.
So they kill you instead, but use your brothers loyalty to do it to you, keeping you on the farm, raising the next facilitator of your demise instead of go home and serve you and your own, you serve a mater to kill another of your class for privileges.
How many kids were eaten, beaten, dismembered, and of course trafficked and molested so you could be so comfortable?