Anonymous ID: 6e5235 Dec. 21, 2023, 3:48 a.m. No.20108619   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>G'Mornin' Anons… Another Day at the Office.


>Mornin' Ralph… Please pass the Dark Roast Covfefe.

Kek. Roll call shill is big mad with the 13 second delta


> Anonymous 12/21/23 (Thu) 06:39:00

> Anonymous (You) 12/21/23 (Thu) 06:39:13

Anonymous ID: 6e5235 Dec. 21, 2023, 5:37 a.m. No.20108858   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8896 >>8924 >>9001 >>9135









Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW)





Tax-Exempt Status:





Legal Advocacy




President and CEO:


Noah Bookbinder




Budget (2021):


Revenue: $7,612,311

Expenses: $5,215,048

Assets: $10,777,037 1


Latest Tax Form:


2021 990 Form

Contact InfluenceWatch with suggested edits or tips for additional profiles.

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Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW)is a legal advocacy group withprevious connections with political strategist David Brock. The organization describes itself as a “nonpartisan” watchdog group directing litigation against government corruption in an effort to advance the public interest.The group is part of Brock’s network of organizationsincluding Democratic-aligned opposition research Super PAC American Bridge 21st Century (AB PAC) and media criticism organization Media Matters for America.1


The organization has been recognized as having “played instrumental roles in building a stronger, more integrated progressive infrastructure” by the Democracy Alliance.2 CREW has received funding from left-of-center foundations, including philanthropistGeorge Soros’ Open Society Foundations and singer Barbra Streisand’s Streisand Foundation.3


CREW has received criticism for the appearance of pay-for-play advocacy on behalf of for-profit universities. 4


History and Founding


In 2001, several individuals affiliated with the Democratic Party operatives founded CREW as a rejoinder to right-leaning legal advocacy groups such as Judicial Watch, the Rutherford Institute and the National Legal and Policy Center. The organization’s founding directors were: Louis Mayberg, a Democratic party donor, and co-founder of the Maryland-based ProFund Advisors LLC; Daniel Berger, another Democratic party donor who in 2004 made a $100,000 contribution to America Coming Together; and Mark Penn, a fellow at the New Politics Institute, and a Democratic strategist who worked on President Bill Clinton’s 1996 re-election campaign and on Hillary Clinton’s 2000 U.S. Senate campaign. Norman L. Eisen, another Democratic Party operative, played a role in the group’s 2001 founding, although, he was not listed as a director.5


When they initially conceived of CREW, both Eisen and Mayberg said that the organization was intended to even the playing field against conservative legal groups that had weakened the political position of President Bill Clinton during the 1990s.6 Melanie Sloan, another longtime Democratic operative, was listed as the executive director on the 2013 990 form with an annual salary of $260,699. She is no longer with the organization.


Prior to joining CREW, Sloan served as the nominations counsel for the Senate Judiciary Committee, chaired by then-Sen. Joe Biden (D-Delaware), in 1993. She was also counsel for the crime subcommittee of the House Judiciary Committee under then-U.S. Representative Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) in 1994 and served as minority counsel for the House Judiciary Committee under Rep. John Conyers (D-Michigan) from 1995 to 1998.7

Anonymous ID: 6e5235 Dec. 21, 2023, 5:48 a.m. No.20108896   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8924 >>8948 >>9001 >>9135

Wrap Up Smear Merchants









If you think Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington is a “non-profit, non-partisan” watchdog group, think again.


In reality, Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW) is a left-wing attack dog masquerading as a “non-partisan watchdog.”


An analysis of CREW’s “watchdog” activities reveals a systematic effort to disproportionately target Republicans and conservative-leaning groups with often-frivolous lawsuits, ethics complaints, and petitions for investigations by law enforcement agencies. An analysis of CREW’s past activities demonstrates that it disproportionately targets Republican members of Congress by a ratio of more than 9-to-1. At the same time, the corresponding federal oversight agencies responsible for investigating CREW’s complaints indicates that, historically, Democrats have been investigated far more often for ethics violations.

Anonymous ID: 6e5235 Dec. 21, 2023, 5:53 a.m. No.20108924   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9117 >>9135




CREW’s Left-Wing Funders


CREW is funded by a long list of left-wing organizations and foundations. They include liberal foundations, labor unions, and interest groups looking for support from CREW.

Liberal Mega-Donors


CREW’s principal source of funding is ideologically liberal/left-wing foundations. In 2013 (the most recent year for which complete tax records are available), these groups paid CREW grants equal to 55% of its total reported contribution/grant revenue.


Among the foundations that have made significant contributions to CREW in recent years:


The Foundation to Promote Open Society (controlled by liberal billionaire financier George Soros and his family): $740,000 since 2010

The Open Society Institute (another foundation controlled by Soros): $150,000 in 2010

The Bohemian Foundation (controlled by Colorado Democratic donor Pat Stryker and her political operatives): $850,000 since 2010

Gill Foundation (private foundation of Colorado Democratic mega-donor Tim Gill): $608,615 since 2010

Dyson Foundation (family foundation of the late Charles Dyson, an FDR Administration official, leveraged-buyout titan, and longtime board member of liberal group Common Cause): $500,000 since 2011

Steven M. Silberstein Foundation (run by Steven Silberstein, a Democracy Alliance financier and member of the board of advisers for U.C. Berkeley’s public policy school who made his money in the software industry): $500,000 since 2010

Marisla Foundation (environmentalist foundation run by J. Paul Getty oil fortune heiress Anne Getty Earheart): $425,000

Leland Fikes Foundation (controlled by Lee Fikes, Texas oilman and major donor to Democrats and abortion-rights causes): $200,000

Daniel and Janet Mordecai Foundation (foundation controlled by major Colorado Democratic Party donor Janet Mordecai): $100,000


The foundation funders of CREW, many of which are members of or otherwise linked with the Democracy Alliance group of liberal megadonors, clearly demonstrate the partisan and ideological alignment of the organization. Among the groups in the Democracy Alliance’s funding orbit is one of CREW’s stablemates in the David Brock liberal group empire, Media Matters for America.


CREW has been rumored previously to be involved with both the Democracy Alliance and the similar, union- and environmentalist-convened Democracy Initiative.


Oddly for a group that is outraged whenever a conservative or Republican group obtains confidential funding, CREW reportedly has solicited or assisted liberal and Democratic groups doing just that. Politico reported on a 2010 Democracy Alliance conference that CREW’s Melanie Sloan attended: One attendee told the reporter, “The agreement is that everything that goes on here is confidential.” In attendance were many Democratic donors and left-leaning activists. CREW was also reportedly one of the organizations formally represented at the conference: Sloan refused to comment on her participation.

Labor Union Support


CREW receives notable direct support from labor organizations. Under labor law, unions may direct member dues to lobbying and advocacy groups like CREW. Analyses indicate that liberal organizations receive nearly all of unions’ political money.


Since CREW’s founding, unions have contributed $245,000 to its efforts. Perhaps unsurprisingly, CREW has strongly attacked unions’ foes in politics. CREW’s “Worst Governors” report, written in 2013, features 16 Republicans of its 18 politicians attacked, with the only two Democrats being term-limited Steve Beshear of Kentucky and Andrew Cuomo of New York, who was challenged in the 2014 Democratic primaries for insufficient loyalty to the public-employee union cause