Look at prince Andrew
Forget the other pedo's that rolled with Epstein.
No other names will be released.
Only think of prince Andrew
Only prince Andrew is guilty.
Do as you are programmed subjects
Look at prince Andrew
Forget the other pedo's that rolled with Epstein.
No other names will be released.
Only think of prince Andrew
Only prince Andrew is guilty.
Do as you are programmed subjects
Look into my eyes
Only prince Andrew went to Epstein
Look into my. Eyes
No other World leaders where involved
Look putin bad, israel ,palistein
You are. Feeling. Sleepy
World war 3 will start before the true names
Of Epstein Island are released.
World leaders are involved in this
They will do anything to. Stop. The. Truth
Look at prince Andrew,not at us
Leslie graham determined to start WW3
Definitely is on Epstein Island pedo list (the real list)
Netanyahu from Israel
Determined to start. WW3
Definitely on Epstein list(the real one)
Clinton definitely trying to start WW3
Been poking the Russian bear for ages now
Definitely on Epstein list (the real one)