Anonymous ID: b26406 Dec. 21, 2023, 5:50 a.m. No.20108911   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8941


> fight on their timeline and battlefield.

Does not look that way to me. Their timeline is getting screwed. As far as battlefields I see the lawfare exposing the corruption for the World to see. Their propaganda has a bands of frogs exposing the lies worldwide.

As for military, their DEI edicts have destroyed Unit Cohesion. A few breads ago the Tik Tok posts about how military life is low pay, shitty food, and all the other constants of Service are wrecking Recruitment. Sign-on Bonuses mean little when the warm bodies they need are not going near recruiters. I notice there's no mention of the Reserves. EAOS and people are leaving, not going Reserve, want nothing to do with it.

I see over and over posts just like yours. Why the focus on Active Duty? 21.6 million veterans and so many with combat experience. Tikrit, Mosul, Fallujah. Urban combat room to room as needed.

But you want somebody else to go charging into battle yet seem unwilling to be a part of that. Wrong place to be instigating Mutiny, but you do you

Anonymous ID: b26406 Dec. 21, 2023, 6:07 a.m. No.20108981   🗄️.is 🔗kun


18 USC 242

Federal overrides State, take the bastards to Federal Court under 242, then use Right of Redress to make the State Treasury cry. Don't forget to go after the Bond the judge put up.

Anonymous ID: b26406 Dec. 21, 2023, 6:38 a.m. No.20109142   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9169


The Cabal controls the UN, and the League of Nations before it.

The Cabal buys or eliminates government officials in every nation that can provide power, influence, and the wealth that comes with it. Other nations and their entire populations are disposable such as Bangladesh.

Nations and Religions are played off against each other to hide the ones pulling the strings.

The WEF is the front used to be the NWO Solution to the chaos of competing nations so the average serf sees the Total Control as salvation since the UN front is failing.

The Internet was a Control Mechanism, all finances passing through it, accounts can be shut down in seconds. All communications can be monitored and controlled.


They never counted on Anons, never saw the frogs coming to wreck their plans on the daily. That's why the constant attacks here and the media hit pieces. They try everything and get their asses kicked by Truth and memes