Anonymous ID: c8e17a Dec. 21, 2023, 1:42 a.m. No.20108461   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8594 >>8808 >>9001 >>9035 >>9135

The Truth about the Jeffrey Epstein John Does


What the media and "influencers" are getting wrong.


And now for today’s developments.


The Judge has ordered the unsealing of names and materials relating to some – but not all – of the 167 John Does (not 177 as has been reported) identified in the list submitted to the Court. View the full order here.


As we clarified last February, the John Does who will be unsealed aren’t “Epstein’s List.” Their names were referenced in any number of ways during the civil case, whether through depositions, medical records (the names of doctors), or in witness lists exchanged between the parties. (To that we add a note of caution: witness lists can be very broad and not all witnesses are material or have even basic information.)


And again, many of the John Does were not alleged by the parties to have committed any wrongdoing. For example, John Doe 14 is referenced in one sealed court filing related to an effort by Maxwell to oppose answering deposition questions under seal. The “sealed material as to [John Doe 14] is not salacious.” He isn’t, as others have promised, a key figure in the Epstein/Maxwell crimes.

Anonymous ID: c8e17a Dec. 21, 2023, 1:45 a.m. No.20108464   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8594 >>8808 >>9001 >>9135

What Donald Trump's Ukraine Strategy Could Look Like


Far from abandoning Ukraine, a second Trump administration would lift restrictions on Ukrainian military aid in order to force a peace settlement.


Donald Trump has vowed that in a second presidential term, he would end the war in Ukraine “in twenty-four hours.” Mainstream analysts have dismissed the president’s statements as hyperbole, but there is a strong possibility that Trump will be back in the Oval Office in just over a year’s time. Foreign policy experts, therefore, should take the former President’s statements seriously and assess how a Trump administration might deal with the largest conflict in Europe since World War II.


Let us start by recognizing that Biden’s Ukraine strategy leaves much room for improvement. His weaknesses encouraged Putin to launch the invasion in the first place. Biden’s own Supreme Allied Commander in Europe assessed that Biden’s botched withdrawal from Afghanistan led to Putin’s decision to re-attack Ukraine. Biden’s feeble attempts at “integrated deterrence,” threatening sanctions and aid to Ukraine, failed in their intended purpose of deterring Putin’s aggression.


Putin invaded Ukraine under both Obama and Biden, but he did not attack while Trump was president. Trump has stated that the Russia-Ukraine war would “never have happened” under his watch.

Anonymous ID: c8e17a Dec. 21, 2023, 1:50 a.m. No.20108468   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Little Johnny and the Teddy Bears

They bid farewell to Nimrod bold,

and find that lobe’s an awful scold


The Teds and Johnny have a plan

Tosee the nation’s foremost man

Before March fourth, to bid farewell

They climb the steps and ring the bell


They see the President’s “right hand”

A well-groomed man with manners grand

And beg him see what he can do

To get them a short interview


Loeb’s shocked, like Susan at a mouse,

To see such beasts at the White House;

So with a loud and angry shout,

He orders John and Teddies out


But as the y are about to flee,

Who should come in the door to see

His namesakes, but the mighty Ted

“Dee-lighted” heartily he said


They’re ushered to the office, where

His treasures sweet does Teddy bare;

Gives photos from the day of old

When he was a Rough Rider bold


They set off happy with their pelf

The Big Stick’s laid upon the shelf

Taft’s trunks come in the moving van;

The nation hails another man


Emil ludwig Napoleon

Anonymous ID: c8e17a Dec. 21, 2023, 5:36 a.m. No.20108847   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Hit him hard! President McKinley - "Mosquitoes seem to be worse here in the Philippines than they were in Cuba", Feb. 4, 1899


-Presidents and War: William McKinley and the US-Philippine War


-Monday After: Congratulations President McKinley … meet your problems


The assassination of President Mckinley