L3ⴲ ID: fc8c5c Dec. 21, 2023, 12:47 a.m. No.20108413   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8425

12 reasons not to work in women-dominated industries, using Healthcare as an example

r/TheRedPill in Culture

by MrSaveYourLife





The #1 most upvoted post of all time in this subreddit is about an engineer getting fired from Big Tech for explaining how men and women differ in the work setting. It's worth contributing my parallel views for female-dominated industries like healthcare, the most female-dominated industry on Earth. >75% of its employees are women, which has direct effects on your mental & emotional freedom, testosterone levels, and paycheck.



The point of this post is to explain why working in female-dominated fields like healthcare and education limits men from living fully liberated lives in the West and to keep younger guys from making uninformed career decisions that they may regret. I'll list my points in a way that’s graspable by men aged 18-25. Many of you just started college:


1) Every club, group, organization, company, corporation, and nation whose policymakers are mostly women always loses its productivity, innovation, societal prestige, and income over time. The 2 most female-dominated industries are healthcare and education. It's no surprise that in the past 20 years, both industries have seen rising employee burnout and consumer costs while their product quality has decreased or stayed the same. And for the first time in American history, >52% of medical students, >75% of PA students, >56% of dental students, and >64% of pharmacy students are female. These percentages get higher each year. If you're a college-aged man who seeks financial freedom, it's the worst time in history to join these fields. Mark my words: 20 years from now, being a doctor will carry equal prestige as being a schoolteacher.


2) Corporate administrators and CEOs are incentivized to employ large numbers of women in middle management because they know that females in middle management serve as a natural ceiling to limit individual productivity and potential income for male workers who are naturally inclined to compete for professional and financial rewards. The female middle management serve as professional “speed bumps” in the rat race which procure the essential capitalistic inequity in a company's resources. Some of the reasons for this are listed below.


3) The average man speaks 7000 words per day, but the average woman speaks 16000. This difference can manifest painfully in the workplace, since most of the words women speak are unnecessary for the job at hand and just serve to cognitively overload the brains of the men who actually do the hard work. These extra words will also emotionally drain you.


4) Women are adept at creating unnecessary red tape and extraneous tasks for employees in every industry that they dominate. I don't need to explain this one further—You guys know all about constant re-certification, HR training, and endless paperwork that you have to fill out. The male-dominated fields have less red tape to sap you of your time and money. Nobody wants to slave away their evenings and weekends glued to their email except for women and betas who enjoy creating nonsensical busy-work to keep their pseudolaborer status.



Young men want sex and financial freedom, but working with women may ironically make it harder to get either one. If these are your goals, it's better to join a male-dominated field if you're still young and making career choices.



L3ⴲ ID: fc8c5c Dec. 21, 2023, 1:09 a.m. No.20108433   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8434

BB (?) promises Disclosure (in new thread?) "before shutdown"


>>20108339 pb


ID:15c393 sounds like BB, heavily disguising his writeprint.

Promises new thread to Disclose "before shutdown" (of 8kun? Internet? electrical grid?)


>>20108275 pb

Bb's pics expose some Rakshasa ruling bloodline hybrids. Cayetana Fitz-James Stuart was the most titled woman in the world, a Spanish arch-duchess with suspiciously many young husbands.




My attached pic highlights the characteristic Rakshasa physiognomy: elongated prominent midface, with predatory eyes squeezed between cheekbones and brow. Forehead and chin slope back, with assertive mental protuberance.


BB mentions the "Nordic" Black Knight satellite, presumably up to no good.

L3ⴲ ID: fc8c5c Dec. 21, 2023, 1:54 a.m. No.20108470   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Cool. 17x2 follows 33, which the Satanic Masons aim to prevent.


> U should loose the namefag though.


And go back to getting harassed for "IP-hopping"? No thanks. They want to filter me, and I want to ignore them.


> I filter with the eyes….


I filter whoever posts a false ( you ), because it's notification spam. Had to unhide you to see this.


The idiots who post ( you ) at "shills", as if it's intimidating, are just spamming the thread, rendering it unusable – which is exactly what the jammers want.

L3ⴲ ID: fc8c5c Dec. 21, 2023, 2:39 a.m. No.20108524   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>20107694 pb

Says if White Hats had staged military coup, Cabal would've countered with WMDs and retreated to DUMBs defended by Reptilians and full of hostages.


Plausible, since future Humans must fight a war against underground Archontic Reptilians in some timelines. See CHANI for example (Channeled Holographic Interface supercollider convo).


Don't really want to kick that off now, given the tech and dimensional gap.

Reptilians are outnumbered, but trying to fight them underground is madness, considering they took it from the Ant People.

AvP movies are racial memory of that war. Our "special forces" are BBQ in that league – literally snacks.

L3ⴲ ID: fc8c5c Dec. 21, 2023, 2:47 a.m. No.20108531   🗄️.is 🔗kun

White Flight is rational: living in the suburbs is optimal, study shows.


If cities are bad, why do people move there?

What is the optimal distance?

Emil O. W. Kirkegaard



L3ⴲ ID: fc8c5c Dec. 21, 2023, 3:34 a.m. No.20108597   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8742


Fact check: False.





L3ⴲ ID: fc8c5c Dec. 21, 2023, 5:45 a.m. No.20108885   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The Leftist Personality: Left-Wing ideology as a biological phenomenon

Nov 30, 2022





Defining “Leftism”

Leftism and Physical Biology

Leftist Psychology 101

Left- and Right-Wing Moral Foundations

Conclusion: A profile of the average Leftist

Addendum: On Leftist ideological hegemony



  1. Defining “Leftism”


‘Leftism’ is characterized by ideas like equality, fraternity, “progress,” societal reform, and globalism. This manifests politically as support for feminism, homosexuality, wealth redistribution, immigration, and racial egalitarianism, combined with opposition to the family, nationalism, and traditional culture.


The rejection or embrace of hierarchy (i.e. inequality) is the fundamental difference between Left- and Right-Wing worldviews. Right-Wingers believe that hierarchy is inherent to reality and part of the natural order, while Leftists claim to believe that all men are fundamentally “equal” [1] [2].


  1. Leftism and Physical Biology


Countless studies have shown that physical characteristics closely align with political orientation. AI facial recognition can accurately predict a person’s political alignment 72% of the time, outperforming chance (50%) and human estimation (55%) [3].


Taller [4] and more attractive [5] people are more likely to identify as Right-Wing and more likely to actively support Right-Wing parties, policies, and politicians. In America, Australia, and Europe, Right-Wing politicians are more likely to be physically attractive than their Left-Wing counterparts [6].


Men who are physically stronger are more likely to oppose wealth redistribution [7] and other forms of sociopolitical egalitarianism, even if they are poor themselves, and opposition to egalitarianism grows as men spend more time in the gym [8]. Similarly, men with more masculine facial features are more likely to support explicitly prejudiced ideas [9], and men who are better fighters are more likely to support warfare and hold “self-favoring” (non-Leftist) political beliefs [10].


In summary: Leftists are shorter and uglier, and Leftist men are weaker, less masculine, and less capable of fighting — characteristics that are not conducive to success in any human civilization.

  1. Conclusion: A profile of the average Leftist


Using the data compiled above, we can construct a basic psychological profile of the typical Leftist. This will not apply to every Left-Wing individual, but it can serve as a general framework for understanding and dealing with Leftists. So, generally speaking…


Leftists believe that life is fundamentally unfair, likely due to their undesirable physical characteristics (shortness, ugliness, weakness, etc.).


This causes neuroticism and leads to self-obsession and spiteful envy.


They lose all concern for group interests and focus exclusively on advancing their own standing in society.


As they cannot get ahead in fair competition, they resort to underhanded, manipulative, and psychopathic strategies.


This manifests as behaviors like victimhood/virtue signaling, gaslighting, and other forms of coercion and emotional abuse.


To disguise their nefarious and self-serving aims, they proclaim a universal love for humanity, nature, or the even entire material universe.


They collaborate with other outcasts and potentially dangerous out-groups to exact vengeance on their perceived “oppressors,” by which they mean normal people.


However, they will happily betray (“cancel”) their friends and allies, who they value as little as inert objects like rocks, for social gains.


Leftist ideology can thus be summarized as an attempt to climb the social ladder via underhanded tactics, such as eliminating the competition by promoting “equality,” i.e. dragging everyone down to their level: The gutter. Leftism is a strategy for losers to take power and resources from winners.


The key takeaway is this: When it comes to Leftists, we are not dealing with honest people who want what is best for society but are tragically mistaken about how this can be achieved. Such individuals certainly exist on the Left, but the average Leftist is spiteful, malicious, and vindictive. They cannot be reasoned with or rationally convinced of their “mistakes” because they are driven by deep-rooted biological and psychological issues that, in many cases, cannot be resolved. Use extreme caution when dealing with them. They would think nothing of using the system to destroy your life.



L3ⴲ ID: fc8c5c Dec. 21, 2023, 5:52 a.m. No.20108921   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8930 >>8981

Divorce rape: US matriarchy enslaves fathers and husbands


Child Support RUINED my life… I lost. (as a millionaire)




Comments concur:



George Heath

8 months ago (edited)


My ex cheated and still got full custody.

I was paying $1000/mo + medical insurance which came up to another $350/mo.

After everything was deducted from my paycheck taxes, child support and medical insurance I was clearing maybe $200 a week.

That’s working full-time making damn near $20 an hour.


I was forced to be homeless for YEARS living in a car and sometimes camping at the local campground in a tent, taking showers at the local YMCA and washing my clothes at the laundry mat.

On top of that she has completely cut me out of my daughters life.

She moved to Massachusetts, got remarried and the courts will do nothing to help.


It sucks and depressing.

I understand why a lot of guys put in the situation commit suicide every year.


I have had a lot of people tell me they would not pay the child support.

The problem with that is if you stop paying child support the first thing they do is suspend your drivers license, then they drag you in a court, and force you to pay child support or go to jail for 30 days then when you get out you have 30 days to come up with the money or they send you back to jail for another 30 days and it becomes an endless downward spiral to oblivion that you will not escape.

You can’t get a job because you’ve been in jail for the last 30 days and you can’t catch up because back child support keeps piling up higher and higher…

Even after your child turns 18 you still owe the money, it never goes away.

You’re just fcked spending the rest of your life in and out of jail every other month.

I used to be a court officer and have seen this firsthand…




Scott Mac-Cheese Rae

8 months ago


Don't get married in the USA. Don't bring your wife to the USA. Don't have kids in the USA. I broke these rules and I paid for it. Heed my words fellas.
