PAT306 Super King Air landed at Palm Springs from Mather Airport depart
LBRTY51 C2 Hawkeye from Pt. Mugu to China Lake NWS did some roundies at Armitage Field and nao over area Rock Canyon heading back to Mugu NAS
(hex id decodes as that)
PAT306 Super King Air landed at Palm Springs from Mather Airport depart
LBRTY51 C2 Hawkeye from Pt. Mugu to China Lake NWS did some roundies at Armitage Field and nao over area Rock Canyon heading back to Mugu NAS
(hex id decodes as that)
The fact that you keep posting the same thing proves you haven’t “accomplished” anything but be a board cancer
Great at that….the rest?
You ain’t if you have to say it
>inbr next repetition of “look at muh ballz”
China bans export of rare earth processing tech over national security
[for those who weren’t around for 45s trip to Japan there is a Yuge deposit sitting off the NE of Japan waiting-some deal was likely made during that trip-the second one]
China, the world's top processor of rare earths, banned the export of technology to extract and separate the critical materials on Thursday, the country's latest step to protect its dominance over several strategic metals.
Rare earths are a group of 17 metals used to make magnets that turn power into motion for use in electric vehicles, wind turbines and electronics.
While Western countries are trying to launch their own rare earth processing operations, the ban is expected to have the biggest impact in so-called "heavy rare earths," used in electric vehicle motors, medical devices and weaponry, where China has a virtual monopoly on refining. China's commerce ministry sought public opinion last December on the potential move to add the technology to its "Catalogue of Technologies Prohibited and Restricted from Export."
It also banned the export of production technology for rare earth metals and alloy materials as well as technology to prepare some rare earth magnets.
The catalogue's stated aims include protecting national security and public interest.
Sure and neither are NH’s as it’s all just a set up for Pompeo as the same pushing will be done for him to make him viable
And before that is dismissed consider where Biden was in Dec 2019
None of it matters until end of January anyway
Neither does the recently installed by newsome one either
>>20110331 pb
PAT306 departed Palm Springs Intl NW
PAT579 departed Lake Havasu City from a stop and MCAS Miramar depart earlier
LBRTY51 back at Mugu
Baker tapped on no notice “bored” I believe was the reason
The effort put forth reflects that
SAM704 G5 returning to MacDill from Dover AFB stop
Yer convos between yourselves are simply adorable
Do keep THAT up
Whatever you say