You still whining to try and get what you want?
The pull before the pull.
You may be playing the halfchan bait game in your head, but your evil is being rebuked and slapped down, so try and generate consensus all the consensus you need to cope with your consistent failure.
Yeah, no shit, Sherlock. I don't try to hide who I am. I don't use a persona. I don't IP hop. I don't have to do any of that. Recognizing me is not a punishment, dipshit. But it is for you, isn't it? It shatters your view of Anonymous if others don't play along the way you want them to and start recognizing each other. You're a faiure, but by all means continue copying all the regular memes I post, I'll just find new ones while you're using my hand-me-downs.
I would say an example narcissism in use on this board is spamming dead animals while saying that it's best for the board and that it's for the good of Anons. As if you know what is best for the board and for other individuals. Truly you are the elevated above all that is the gatekeeper of personality and the measurement of worth is how many (You)s you get for notables.
>you cannot defeat me
You're VaticanTard. You defeat yourself. Better luck next time. Your spam is too tardilicious for me.
But at least the mimic isn't the Ghoul. That self-promoting retard is even dumber than VaticanTard. It's the sad pissflap noises when he posts that make me laugh.
Huh… I didn't know Pencil Neck didn't live in Cali. How is that even possible to represent them and not live there? The info's from Kash so it seems legit.
They have no choice but to continue with the lie. Some of the shills' lives I'm sure are on the line.
Guiliani is filing for bankruptcy? That's not fair. For everything he's done over his life. It's not fuckin' fair.
NOTABLEif not already
Too little too late. I personally wouldn't recommend cannabis for a physical battlefield where reaction time and situational awareness are critical, but if the Neo-Nazis there want to get stoned to face the Russians and reduce those two required traits then the moar power to them.
Pot on a physical battlefield? The smell is too loud, gives away location. Reduces reaction time. Reduces situational awareness. Can the EUkrainians get any dumber? And I indulge the stuff for fuck's sake but there's a time and a place.
I don't like this part of the movie, Q. I don't like seeing people like Guiliani having to file bankruptcy. Not after what he did for NY and how he fought for 2020. I hope it'll be made up to him when the movie wraps.
You name your files like Tranimae/Loretta. What are the odds of that? Actually, don't bother answering. By the time you finish reading this paragraph you'll be filtered.
That's not it. The shills will post their bullshit, knowing it gets removed, but slide in an innocuous post so when the delete by ID happens then they can screech "Look at the censorship." It's a coordinated effort.
They're BV's here, chump. At least use the language of the board. The fact that you're treating this place like halfchan is the tell, Mr. Picrel.