You made me kek out loud. You deserve some ginger mounds.
No human being should be forced to live in such conditions. I don't care who they are.
WashPo Investigation: Israel Lied About Hamas Tunnels Connecting to al-Shifa Hospital
Israel lied about Hamas tunnels connecting to al-Shifa Hospital to justify their attack on the medical facility, according to a Washington Post investigation.
Israel lied and claimed the desperately needed hospital was a Hamas "command and control center" to justify attacking the compound and the US government backed them up with phony intelligence to aid in their war crime.
"The Wall Street Journal also laundered US intel claims about a Hamas command center at Al-Shifa," Aaron Mate reported on X. "They claimed to have independently 'intercepted communications' of Hamas members. This is a tried and tested US-Israeli tactic in selling pro-war lies, used also for Iraq WMDs and chemical weapons allegations against the Syrian government."
"NYT reporters Matthew Rosenberg, Ronen Bergman, Aaron Boxerman and Vivian Yee bylined a crucial Nov. 12th story that laundered US-Israeli lies about Hamas' 'vast command complex' at Al-Shifa," Mate added.
Kek. Wonder how long, if at all, it will take the Gateway Pundit to report on this.
Kek. I remember when McDonalds had their Dukes of Hazzard Happy Meals. I had to get all of them and I tied string to them, "driving" them all over the house, much to the annoyance of the parents.
SSI is a fucking joke and they know it. It was created to give the "Great Generation" a well needed rest after the needless deaths of WWII, caused by the "Cabal Bankers" (tm). Each generation after got less and less. It was a ponzi scheme from the get-go.
>You sick, twisted, evil, spammers would have fit right in with the hitler regime
Kek. Indeedโฆ.
>Blanket statement.
> I honestly don't understand how a person can live with such an all consuming hate
I know, right?
>You need a come to Jesus moment.
No, thank you. I have no need for any of the Abrahamic triumvirate. They're one and the same.
Kek. Oy vey!
Kek. I was going to say something, but you go on and slay with your bad self.
Kek. You get a triple whammy.
It needs to fucking hurry up already. I'd like to see the come-uppance before I die.