my disability payment is about 1200 bucks,it is hard and you have to make a lot of concessions.
similar boat, no section 8 though too many fucking illegals and year waiting periods you just give up so you get the cheapest shit you can. I am on medicaid as well and get about 100 bucks for food stamps, that I hate to say was nicer under covid since they were handing out money. I don't get many discounts but I have been on things like my phone plan long enough and never change shit my rates are grandfathers. I don't have a car so that saves a bunch of money but also limits things as well. The stimulus did help me a bit, but like you said with the more expensive prices not really that big of a help. Seeing the invaders get so much help that is just not available for people on disability or similar situations is hard. Housing is the biggest hurdle.
because it does not allow you to save for things you might need to get like a car or just things for basic survival. It keeps you below the poverty level and if you somehow to figure a way out over that they ding you, but hey free gibs for the invaders.
if you are covered in blood I think you may be the one in need of help.
I am on plenty of lists, kek, the problem is unless you have some screaming spawn you are not top of the list and that means illegal anchor babies get help first. The entire system is broken top to bottom.
I mock because you are being a fucking nut job. Talking about being covered in blood is just blood magic, you stupid wanna be bible fag. I will answer to no god especially your faggot one you worship like a moron on his knees.
bet he went to the island.
but but they are muh american companies muh cry muh cry.