Just when you think you've got them all, Devin Nunes comes up with some new suspects, it looks like Brian Ross is suspect #4, and Buzzfeed again leaks classified info.
>We need to order more kill boxes [ ].
Yes we do. This list is just for FISA/SpyGate. The origin goes back to the Seth Rich campaign when anon's speculated that if Susan Rice was shown to have "unmasked" SR, leading to his murder (see wikileaks/podesta emails about making an example) that this could become a political Armageddon.
Well, here we are a couple years later and it looks like it is (oh so slowly) happening. I wonder how many keyboards and monitors have been destroyed by anon's frustrated by the glacial rollout of justice.
> Wyden and Deutch are both Israeli citizens. What gives?
They're not alone. This has to be outlawed. We can't have representatives and senators who are not solely concerned with American interests. THEY HAVE TO GO.