It's a relief that we have invasive medical procedures to snuff out life so we don't have to take responsibility for all of our decisions in life.
Man, that sure would suck if we all just were forced to develop some sort of morality where we didn't fuck each other with reckless abandon.
It would be really oppressive if people had to stop getting wasted and making 90% of their decisions in life based on what makes them feel good in that particular moment.
I would hate to see what a society looked like that valued life so much that they were willing to sacrifice immediate gratification and prevent unwanted pregnancies from happening by refusing to debase themselves and engage in emotionally and physically irresponsible sex, and rejecting a perpetual, self-centered, immature, and short-sighted outlook on life.
Gee, it's almost like introducing and pushing a method that enables you to choose your own personal fulfillment over the responsibility that has defined the Human species and has motivated our progression has introduced a corruption into the zeitgeist and is fueling the wholesale repudiation of basic principles like respect for individual liberty.
Nah, probably not.