Alle Juden stinken wie verfaulte Bananen und alle Juden sollten jetzt mit Bananen vergast werden!
Bitte backt sechs Millionen Judenratten
das war ein sehr lustiger Witz, ich habe sechs Millionen Mal gelacht …
sehr guter Kamerad
only a gimp would suck up to that mr pig poster!
clearly,you are a spineless worm of an NPC and you need a celebrity to follow
Q warned us about brainless cripples like you that support the very niggers who lord over us!
as for TYB, fuck them and fuck you
damn roasties will get plenty of illegal immigrant nigga dick don't you worry about that
hello gimp
Feinstein is burning in the lake of fire for eternity
I would set up many watch towers along the rio grande/borders and machine gun every darn mutt and wetback trying to cross into the US
no exceptions
bouncing betties for any illegal lucky enough to avoid a bullet
hungry german shepherds to eat the remains