>>20112506 lb/pb
>>this hand symbol means ok.
Darn it! I always thought that meant she wanted me to put 'Wilson Pickett' on the record player.
>>20112506 lb/pb
>>this hand symbol means ok.
Darn it! I always thought that meant she wanted me to put 'Wilson Pickett' on the record player.
Whether private citizen Jack Smith lacks authority to represent the United States, which jurisdictional requirement must exist at all stages of litigation, and
which cannot be waived, in filing his Petition for a Writ of Certiorari in this Court?
"If Smith actually had the power to convene grand juries, issue subpoenas, direct and conduct prosecutions, and file appeals in the Supreme Court, he would
obviously be an “Officer of the United States” rather than a mere employee."
" … if he is an officer, Smith is a superior officer. He has no superior supervising or directing him as required by Edmond or Free Enterprise Fund v. Public Company Accounting Oversight Board, 561
U.S. 477 (2010). Attorney General Garland does not supervise or direct him, as he said he would not when Smith was appointed Special Counsel.
And Smith has, without the participation of the Solicitor General, filed a petition in this Court on behalf of the United States. He is prosecuting a former President, the first time that has happened in our Nation’s
history. Smith is purporting to exercise at least as much power as a U.S. Attorney, and arguably more. That is the hallmark of a superior officer, who must be appointed as such."
"The absence of such an appointment means that Smith lacks authority to seek certiorari on behalf of the United States. And that is a powerful, sufficient reason to deny his petition."
Not clothed in the authority of the federal government, Smith is a modern example of the naked emperor. Improperly appointed, he has no more authority to represent the United States in this Court than Bryce Harper, Taylor Swift, or Jeff Bezos. That fact is sufficient to sink Smith’s petition, and the Court should deny review. We express no views on the merits issues addressed in Smith’s unauthorized petition."
>This is how the deep state will kick off the civil war
What former President used the military to save the republic and what occurred exactly?
Biggest drop to ever be provided on Pol. Study and prepare. The masses tend to panic in such situations. No war. No civil unrest. Clean and swift.
10 U.S. Code Chapter 13 - INSURRECTION
10 U.S. Code § 254 - Proclamation to disperse
Whenever the President considers it necessary to use the militia or the armed forces under this chapter, he shall, by proclamation, immediately order the insurgents to disperse and retire peaceably to their abodes within a limited time.
'You have to go home now.' Donald Trump releases taped statement after supporters storm US Capitol
> I would not even raise this… but his picks were super shit.
No plan survives contact with the enemy. Mr. Tyson once had something similar to say.
One thing for certain is that we learned a lot more about those people than we would have if they were not picked.
>Lets hope we can verify the good
Indeed. Part of any societal awakening like this is the initial upheaval and the necessity to expose the pretenders, collaborators, traitors, and betrayers.
Freddy even made it into Drop #2527 on December 02, 2018. God bless him.
RIP Toots! Lil fighter.
Mr Pig was never much of an issue until he got poked with a stick.
Recommended additional reading:
Anything else /qresearch can do for you Special Agent? Or is it CI?
The Forgotten History of the World's First Trans Clinic
The Institute for Sexual Research in Berlin would be a century old if it hadn’t fallen victim to Nazi ideology
"He purchased a Berlin villa in early 1919 and opened the Institut für Sexualwissenschaft (the Institute for Sexual Research) on July 6. By 1930 it would perform the first modern gender-affirmation surgeries in the world."
"The institute would ultimately house an immense library on sexuality, gathered over many years and including rare books and diagrams and protocols for male-to-female (MTF) surgical transition. In addition to psychiatrists for therapy, he had hired Ludwig Levy-Lenz, a gynecologist. Together, with surgeon Erwin Gohrbandt, they performed male-to-female surgery called Genitalumwandlung—literally, “transformation of genitals.” This occurred in stages: castration, penectomy and vaginoplasty. (The institute treated only trans women at this time; female-to-male phalloplasty would not be practiced until the late 1940s.) Patients would also be prescribed hormone therapy, allowing them to grow natural breasts and softer features."
Not sure about '@DonaldTNews', Anon.
>Soon, being an anon will be commonplace.
>A generation of free thinking journalist frogs is rising.
Thank you, Anon. A very useful lens for reading Q is to simply ask who the information is intended for.
If your mate in the Navy was to shout out: 'The invasion is scheduled for 11.3' you'd call him a traitor and tell him to shut it.
If he explained: 'I was told to do it so the spies would hear' you'd have a better understanding of the mission.
>How is it a mass casualty event and no one died?
A casualty is not a fatality, Anon. Each of the wounded is a casualty.
Aristotle or Physics?
Seems the natural female form is God's very creation, Friend.