>>20112371 pb
Circumcision is mutilation by definition. Research what goes on in a baby boy's brain when this is done. There is so much more to this. It DOES harm sexual function through desensitization aka nerve damage. Why risk the complication at all? Zero benefit other than "want to look like the other sheeple," or, "my yid doctor told me to do this because I'm too stupid to clean under my foreskin." lines up with "my dentist told me to get my wisdom teeth extracted cuz I'm too stupid to brush and floss them."
Anons have heard of "hooray for boobies?" How about standing with "the staff of decadence?"
mu·ti·la·tion ˌmyü-tə-ˈlā-shən
plural mutilations
Synonyms of mutilation
: an act or instance of destroying, removing, or severely damaging a limb or other body part of a person or animal
the mutilation of a body
They were men who had been sexually damaged by disease, accident, or deliberate mutilation.—
James J. O'Donnell
His book contains very many gruesome accounts of murder and mutilation, and page after page describing torture in almost salacious detail.—
Geoffrey Wheatcroft