Anonymous ID: 4d3ab5 Dec. 22, 2023, 7:55 a.m. No.20114961   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Trump pressured two Detroit officials not to certify 2020 election during phone call==

saying they'd look 'terrible,' as RNC Chair Ronna McDaniel listened in, bombshell report reveals

▶ Trump on November 17, 2020 called two Michigan election workers to urge them not to certify their state's vote, new audio has revealed

▶ The then-president tried to persuade Monica Palmer and William Hartmann, two Republican canvassers for Wayne County, to 'fight for our country'

▶ Also on the call was the chair of the RNC Ronna McDaniel, who is from Michigan: the election was ultimately certified for Joe Biden, despite Trump's efforts


Donald Trump called two Michigan election workers on November 17, 2020, and pushed them to block the approval of the votes in the presidential election, according to newly released audio recordings. Trump told the pair: 'We can't let these people take our country away from us.' Trump said Republicans had been 'cheated on this election' and 'everybody knows Detroit is crooked as hell.' Also on the call was Ronna McDaniel (inset), the chairwoman of the Republican National Committee, who is from Michigan. The following day, Monica Palmer (top right) and William Hartmann (bottom right) unsuccessfully attempted to rescind their votes in favor of certification, filing legal affidavits claiming they were pressured. Palmer said 'intense bullying and coercion' coupled with bad legal advice forced them to agree to certify the election, after they had voted no.

Anonymous ID: 4d3ab5 Dec. 22, 2023, 7:58 a.m. No.20114985   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Monica Palmer was one of two Republicans on the four-person board


William Hartmann, who died in 2021, was a Republican on the four-person board in November 2020


Hartmann (left) and Palmer (center) are seen during the November 17 meeting. Afterwards, Trump would phone them while they sat in a car in the parking lot outside the office