Anonymous ID: 7757e8 Dec. 22, 2023, 6:52 a.m. No.20114711   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4736

Tesla Death Ray Theory


Tesla may have been a front for the government. If you have an inventor create a "death ray," then you can simply watch and see who comes calling trying to buy a "death ray." Pretty genius set up if you ask me… Also explains why his work went missing. Remember how Trump's uncle was involved with gathering up the documents when Tesla died? I don't think Tesla was the kind of person who wanted to create a death ray, I think just the opposite. I think he was the kind of person who would like to ensure the people who want one never get it.


I bet there's even some conceptual crossover here by Trump allowing his opponents to break themselves and expose themselves. Absolutely peak strategy, and they can't stop now!


Merry Christmas anons!