Anonymous ID: 961b11 Dec. 22, 2023, 7:20 a.m. No.20114822   🗄️.is 🔗kun


They are speaking about me.

Because I bilocated when I was in Hawaii.

A mother brought her calf to see me and listen to me play didjeridoo.

Very important that we learn to play didj and play it by the ocean for the whales to hear.

They can hear a didj from a long ways away.

It is quite amazing.

They are talking to my Bilocated self because I have basically raised an army of Whales and Dolphins, and we have been attacking boats…and the US government isn't telling you, but we have been attacking submarines too.

Humans are the threat to this planet, and THE WHALES are pissed and at war with you!

So, that is what they are having a conversation about, soon I will tell them my human name when they can understand more.

Then my human self will leave for the Hopi reservation.

That is THE EARTH FORT for what is about to happen.

The Earth is going to protect herself, and Humans need to either get to the highest ground just like in the days of NOAH.

The Great Earth Shaking and what is called the Water Serpents are going to happen soon.

My Human Self is not yet aware when it is happening, or if it will ever be made clear to me…but all I know is that it is happening soon.

The safest bet is for Humans to start migrating to the Grand Canyon area of the United States.