Anonymous ID: bd2072 Dec. 22, 2023, 3:53 a.m. No.20114128   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4359 >>4627


New York Post


Police called to Mass. middle school over ‘concerning illustrations’ in ‘Gender Queer’ book after anonymous complaint


12:58 PM · Dec 21, 2023




Anonymous ID: bd2072 Dec. 22, 2023, 3:56 a.m. No.20114136   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4139 >>4176 >>4206 >>4359 >>4627 >>4640


Libs of TikTok


This is terrifying. Dozens of college students agree to give money to help fund the klling of Jews. They agreed that synagogues, Jewish schools, and Jewish owned businesses should be targeted and bmbed.


Ami Horowitz

2:21 PM · Dec 21, 2023




Anonymous ID: bd2072 Dec. 22, 2023, 4 a.m. No.20114146   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4359 >>4627


Joe Biden Pressured Merrick Garland to

Prosecute Donald Trump, Resurfaced NYT

Report Says


Breitbart Politics, by Wendell Husebø



Posted By: Imright, 12/21/2023 9:00:05 PM


President Joe Biden pressured Attorney General Merrick Garland in 2022 to prosecute former President Donald Trump, a resurfaced New York Times report says. The report, which reemerged Thursday on X, appears to be attracting attention because of the recent legal attacks against Trump: Colorado – Prohibiting Trump from Colorado’s 2024 primary ballot New York – “Stormy Daniels” (state) Miami – “Documents” (federal) Washington, D.C. – “January 6” (federal) Fulton County, Georgia (state) Times reporters Katie Benner, Katie Rogers, and Michael S. Schmidt published an article on April 2, 2022, about Biden’s frustration with Garland

Anonymous ID: bd2072 Dec. 22, 2023, 4:03 a.m. No.20114159   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4359 >>4627 >>4714


The Globalist ‘Final Solution’


American Thinker, by Paul E. Scates


Original Article


Posted By: DVC, 12/21/2023 6:40:21 PM


The greatest evils in the world will not be carried out by men with guns, but by men in suits sitting behind desks. —C.S. Lewis From 1933 to 1945, Germany’s Nazis killed 17 million people, six million of them Jews. Adolf Eichmann organized the transportation of millions of those to die at Auschwitz, Buchenwald, and other concentration camps in support of the Nazis’ Final Solution (i.e., elimination of Jews from Europe), and in 1961, he was finally brought to trial in Israel. While most assume that Nazi leaders were twisted, psychopathic monsters, philosopher Hannah Arendt sparked controversy in her 1963 study “Eichmann in Jerusalem:

Anonymous ID: bd2072 Dec. 22, 2023, 4:17 a.m. No.20114211   🗄️.is 🔗kun


This morning in the NYT…


They aren’t even trying to hide it anymore.


Democrats are openly abusing our institutions to stop their leading political opposition, rather than face him at the ballot box.



Anonymous ID: bd2072 Dec. 22, 2023, 4:20 a.m. No.20114222   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4233 >>4690


Jim Breuer "I felt we're at war…100%. This is war. However, you want to describe it. It's a war on your common sense. It's a war on the control of your life. It's the war on your spirituality…"


#Jim #Breuer #Glenn #Beck



Anonymous ID: bd2072 Dec. 22, 2023, 4:25 a.m. No.20114232   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4245 >>4359 >>4627


Migrant facilities in Texas and Arizona overwhelmed with more than 18,500 in custody

By Social Links for Olivia Land

Published Dec. 20, 2023, 12:26 p.m. ET

Anonymous ID: bd2072 Dec. 22, 2023, 5:54 a.m. No.20114467   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4472





How is this not considered Child Trafficking?


Planned Parenthood Transports Minors Across State Lines for Secret Abortions - Working with Adults the Minors are not even Related to


The Managing Director, Kansas City, Missouri - Lashauna


“We never tell the parents anything.”


• They have people that will pick them up and take them across state lines.

• We set up hotels for them

• They could pay for the whole thing

• Planned Parenthood are taking kids out of school under deceitful pretenses for abortions.

• They provide contraceptives without any adults


Project Veritas

2:27 PM · Dec 21, 2023




Anonymous ID: bd2072 Dec. 22, 2023, 5:56 a.m. No.20114474   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4627




Thousands Of Doctors Take Legal Action Against Transgender Mandate

11:00 AM · Dec 21, 2023




Anonymous ID: bd2072 Dec. 22, 2023, 5:58 a.m. No.20114480   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Karine Jean-Pierre: Joe Biden’s Record

Migration Is ‘Not Unusual’


Breitbart Immigration, by Neil Munro



Posted By: Imright, 12/22/2023 8:48:01 AM


The unprecedented, record-shattering flood of illegal migrants crossing President Joe Biden’s border is “not unusual,” Biden’s press secretary said Thursday. “What we’re seeing here at the border, the migration flow — increased migration flow, certainly … it ebbs and flows,” Karine Jean-Pierre told the White House daily press conference. “We’re at a time of the year where we’re seeing more at the border and it’s not unusual,” said Jean-Pierre, who is an immigrant from Haiti. (X Video) “U.S. apprehensions of migrants at the border hit a new record Monday [December 18], with at least 12,600 encounters during a period of just 24 hours,”

Anonymous ID: bd2072 Dec. 22, 2023, 6:02 a.m. No.20114497   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4645


The Dark World of Hamas’ Sadism and

Sexual Torture


Frontpage, by Sha'i Ben Tekoa


Posted By: Judy W., 12/22/2023 7:22:33 AM


The “Bible” of the English Language, the Oxford English Dictionary of 1932, defined the word “ghoul” as “An evil spirit supposed in Mohammedan countries to rob graves and prey on human corpses.” That sounds right. The world was even treated to a display of this on October 7 when an army of Jihadist Arabs violently raped not only living Jewish females but also their dead bodies. One can also assume that they sodomized the remains of dead Jewish men and boys too. From reports by survivors of captivity in Gaza, there is reason to believe, given what is known of Arab sexuality, that the remaining men and boy hostages

Anonymous ID: bd2072 Dec. 22, 2023, 6:05 a.m. No.20114511   🗄️.is 🔗kun


US bans pharmacy Rite Aid from facial recognition use


December 20, 2023 5:19 am

Anonymous ID: bd2072 Dec. 22, 2023, 6:11 a.m. No.20114536   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Canadian News Dec 20, 2023


Ontario judge rules that calling drag queens ‘groomers’ is defamatory


Nieckarz was appointed to her post by former Trudeau government Attorney General David Lametti.

Anonymous ID: bd2072 Dec. 22, 2023, 6:48 a.m. No.20114694   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Gain of Fauci


If freedom scares you this much, you might just be on the wrong side…


1:52 PM · Dec 21, 2023




Anonymous ID: bd2072 Dec. 22, 2023, 6:56 a.m. No.20114724   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Press Release: Notice on the Continuation of the National Emergency With Respect to Serious Human Rights Abuse and Corruption


December 18, 2023

Anonymous ID: bd2072 Dec. 22, 2023, 6:59 a.m. No.20114734   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4794


VAQ-136 Commanding Officer Relieved

21 December 2023


On Dec. 20, 2023, Commander, Carrier Strike Group ONE, Rear Adm. Carlos Sardiello, relieved Cmdr. William Coulter, commanding officer of Electronic Attack Squadron (VAQ) 136 due to a loss of confidence in his ability to command.

Anonymous ID: bd2072 Dec. 22, 2023, 7:17 a.m. No.20114808   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Video exposes trans 'indoctrination' in primary school: Teacher tells 10-year-olds about how an unhappy boy teddy became a happy girl teddy in a lesson from controversial 'inclusion' charity

Anonymous ID: bd2072 Dec. 22, 2023, 7:21 a.m. No.20114828   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Dr. Jan Halper-Hayes


Thank you Ariel for highlighting the collaborative cheating. @FEC

should take note, but, will they?

Cheating, deceiving, and lying are choices, never mistakes.





Dec 20

The Lawfare Group Crew that filed quite a few lawsuits against Donald Trump since 2017.


Which includes removing him off the Ballot in Colorado not only did so illegally but

you are telling me they Tax Exempt in a Nonpartisan 501-(c)(3) contract?


This also blatantly says they…

Show more


5:44 AM · Dec 20, 2023




Anonymous ID: bd2072 Dec. 22, 2023, 7:23 a.m. No.20114835   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4857 >>4882 >>4899 >>4900 >>4905


Ezra A. Cohen reposted

John Ʌ Konrad V


US Navy says they don’t have enough warships to start Operation Prosperity Garden


🇺🇸 built 24 littoral combat ships but - for good reason - isn’t using them.


Question: If the LCS cannot defend a merchant ship against Hoothi drones, how is it going to defend itself in combat?


1:02 AM · Dec 21, 2023




Anonymous ID: bd2072 Dec. 22, 2023, 7:47 a.m. No.20114933   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I Meme Therefore I Am 🇺🇸


Lmao. Who did this? 🤣🤣🤣



3:32 AM · Dec 22, 2023




Anonymous ID: bd2072 Dec. 22, 2023, 7:52 a.m. No.20114950   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4960 >>4962


Die Hard: Definitely a Christmas Movie


American Thinker, by John Green



Posted By: DVC, 12/22/2023 10:32:36 AM


There will be no political commentary from me this week. This week is going to be all about Christmas. Today, I need to dive into a debate that has been raging for 35 years without a satisfactory resolution. Is Die Hard a Christmas movie? I’m an engineer. It’s impossible for me to give a simple answer if I can dream up a more complicated one. So bear with me. I think determination of whether a movie fits the Christmas genre depends on more than its musical score and the timing of its release. The plot has to include certain critical elements common to all Christmas movies.


“Yippee ki-yay, mother-fudger.”

Anonymous ID: bd2072 Dec. 22, 2023, 7:55 a.m. No.20114960   🗄️.is 🔗kun


So is Die Hard a Christmas movie?


Protagonist on a quest – check

Protagonist faces insurmountable odds – check

Protagonist is an imperfect human – check

Movie has a memorable line – check

Movie includes comedy – check

Plot is resolved with a Christmas miracle – check


Yup, Die Hard is most definitely a Christmas movie. Don’t forget that both plots are satisfactorily resolved by a good guy with a gun —­ and yet the liberal networks still show both movies. It’s another Christmas miracle.