Anonymous ID: be322f Dec. 22, 2023, 5:20 a.m. No.20114377   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4627

22 Dec, 2023

France pours cold water on Ukraine’s EU dream

Kiev must significantly reform before it can qualify for membership, Paris has insisted


Ukraine will have to meet the EU’s economic and political standards before being allowed to join the bloc, French Europe Minister Laurence Boone told lawmakers in Paris on Wednesday.


The minister was briefing French MPs on the decision by EU leaders to greenlight formal accession talks with Kiev, reached at a meeting in Brussels last week. Hungary objected to the step, insisting Ukraine is not ready for membership, but declined to veto the move. Moldova was also approved for membership talks at the same meeting.


Boone, who shared excerpts from her report on social media on Thursday, told lawmakers that in order to qualify forEU membership, candidate states must improve in areas such as media freedom, the rule of law, and fighting corruption.


“We do not want these places to be sources of instability at the borders of the European Union,” she stressed.


The accession process will be long and subject to veto by any EU member at any stage, the minister noted. Boone added that candidates may face demands for changes in areas such as economic and agricultural policy. The goal is to have “convergence in economic and social matters” so that EU members and newcomers can have a “level playing field,” Boone stated.


Competition from Ukrainian farmers has been a major issue for Eastern European nations, some of which have imposed unilateral import bans on Ukrainian products to protect domestic markets. Polish Deputy Agriculture Minister Michal Kolodziejczak warned last week that Ukraine could “destabilize food security in any EU country” if given free market access.


Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban estimated in an interview on Wednesday thatadmitting Ukraine would cost the EU between €150 billion and €190 billion ($164 billion-$208 billion).This would mean “all the aid that was given to the countries of Central Europe, including Hungary, would be transferred to [Kiev],” he warned.


The Hungarian leader walked out on the meeting in Brussels where the agreement to approve Ukrainian membership talks was made, declaring that Budapest wants nothing to do with the decision.


(I suspect the 26 states that allowed Ukraine’s accession to the EU were just virtue signaling, because the majority have been opposed to this idea during the last two years at various times. Or Ursula demanded they vote yes, so Kiev doesn’t get pissed off. Regardless Ukraine has been promised they can join the EU and NATO, and neither will happen. It’s 22 years or longer for states to be admitted. It seems Macron chickened out and sent Boone to do this.)

Anonymous ID: be322f Dec. 22, 2023, 5:34 a.m. No.20114414   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4627

22 Dec, 2023 09:

US (Mafia) wants $300 billion of Russian assets for Ukraine – NYT

Washington is reportedly pressing its partners for a strategy before the second anniversary of the start of the conflict between Moscow and Kiev


The White House has reportedly begun “urgent” discussions with Western allies on seizing frozen Russian assets and using them to help Ukraine, according to the New York Times on Thursday, citing anonymous sources. The alleged move comes as the West struggles to greenlight new aid packages for Kiev.


The administration of US President Joe Biden “is quietly signaling new support” for taking over $300 billion in Russian foreign exchange reserves that were blocked by Western nations after the start of the Ukraine conflict, according to unnamed American and European officials interviewed by the newspaper.


Some US officialshave expressed concerns that such a drastic move wouldundermine the country’s credibility as a major financial hub. However, the Biden administration, in coordination with the G7, is now “taking another look” atwhether it could sidestep Congressional approvalto use the funds, the NYT reported.


Talks among officials, bankers, and lawyers are said to have gathered steam in recent weeks, with Washington reportedly pressing several of its allies to come up with a strategy by February 24 to mark the second anniversary of the start of the Ukraine conflict.


No final decision has been made on the matter, according to the newspaper. Debates are ongoing on the details and whether the frozen funds would be sent directly to Ukraine – notorious for its rampant corruption – or used in some other way to help Kiev, it added.


John Kirby, National Security Council coordinator for strategic communications, said it was “too soon to say” when asked if the White House was contemplating the move.


The discussions come after the US Congress shelved talks on a new $60 billion assistance package for Kiev until next year. White House officials have warned that Washington is rapidly running out of authorized funds to funnel to the embattled country.


Moscow has repeatedly denounced the freezing of its funds abroad, warning that any seizure would be “illegal” and in violation of “all possible rules.”


Russian MP Mikhail Sheremet has also suggested initiating a legal procedure for seizing US assets in the country, should Washington go ahead with the requisition.


Russia has always respected the principle of immunity for assets, Sheremet insisted, arguing that Western actions may not leave it with much choice. “Any criminal decision [by the US] would be followed by a proportionate response and punishment,” the MP warned.



(Bidan has stolen money around the world, why not do it being resident. This is inviting Russia to do the same with all the seized funds of the West in Russia banks and territories. The EU has tried this every which way they could, but they couldn’t come up with a way to legally do this. It seems like Bidan owes a very big debt to Kiev or he knows it be laundered back to him. I wouldn’t be surprised if the funds come back to his re-election pacs.)

Anonymous ID: be322f Dec. 22, 2023, 5:54 a.m. No.20114464   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Question: Who wears a MAGA hat to commit a hate crime? Answer: Feds…

December 22, 2023 (9 hours ago)


There’s a doozy of a clip circulating online showing a guy in a MAGA hat supposedly committing a “hate crime” against the transgender movement. While the validity of this clip is unclear, given past events involving federal authorities, like the January 6 “fedsurrection” and the Whitmer kidnapping sham, it raises suspicions about it potentially being a government-staged hoax. At the very least, it could be a Jussie Smollett-style stunt. After all, the idea of someone seriously wearing a MAGA hat to commit a “hate crime” seems so outlandishly absurd that it almost begs the question of whether it’s a hoax.


Take a look and decide for yourself:


Here’s what folks online are saying about this clip


“The MAGA hat is a dead giveaway that this was carried out by leftists.”


“Another democrat hoax.”


“MAGA supporters are smarter than this. This isn’t a trump supporter”


“that’s an Antifa trained comrade if ever I saw one”


“Lol. Feds. Nobody would stupid enough to wear a Maga Hat. “tHiS iS mAgA cOuNtRy!!””


“Lol. Another Jussie Smollett”


“Only a beta democrats swings a bat and throw like this. Sissy limp wristers”


“Definitely not a Trump supporter, he would have broken the window first try! Look how he runs.”


“Look at that throwing arm and effeminate gait as he/him/she/they ran away! Dead give away – that’s a loony liberal, likely sponsored by the deep state trying to portray MAGA as “Bad”…”


“Conveniently made sure to wear the brand new MAGA hat for the occasion.”


“Only a liberal would put on a MAGA hat to commit a crime”


“They made sure to wear a face diaper, and gloves…but also made sure to wear a brand new MAGA hat… LOL LOL LOL LOL only a brainwashed liberal would believe this…”


Many people don’t seem convinced by this story. For the regime, executing a psyop on the American public has become increasingly difficult, so if this incident is eventually revealed as a hoax, it looks like they might need to rethink their strategies going forward. The timing of this event is also suspicious. With a recent uptick in left-wingers committing “hate crimes,” it seems almost too convenient to suddenly have an incident involving a brand new MAGA hat to balance the narrative. It’s likely that the media will focus on this “crime” while continuing to overlook the series of left-wing hate crimes that are plaguing our nation.

Anonymous ID: be322f Dec. 22, 2023, 6:29 a.m. No.20114607   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Brandon Straka @BrandonStraka

This is Capitol Police Officer Michael Fortune.


Officer Fortune sued me under the KKK Act alleging that I violated his civil rights and that I conspired with white supremacists to commit assault and battery against him on January 6th.


In discovery, we were able to compel Officer Fortune to answer exactly where he was when I allegedly caused his assault and battery and violated his civil rights.


His response? "I was in Annapolis, Maryland". (see excerpt from his interrogatory responses below)


When asked what the nature of his injuries were that he was suing me for, he responded, "Exposure to pepper spray, bear spray, fire extinguishers, and other pollutants", "heightened stress and anxiety", and "exhaustion and soreness". (see below)

*In addition to having never seen or met Officer Fortune in my entire life, I also had no chemical pollutants with me on January 6th, and didn't spray any.


Officer Fortune's attorneys at the Soros-funded law firm "Lawyer's Committee for Civil Rights Under Law" approached me and my attorney for a financial settlement.


Initially, they told us that they could not calculate the value of Officer Fortune's injuries without first having access to my bank statements to assess my net worth.


Obviously, I told them to get ****ed.


Then they returned to us and told us that for $120,000 they would drop the lawsuit against me by Officer Fortune and the other 7 black and brown Capitol Police officers (I had no contact with any of these officers on J6 and have never met any of them. I also had no contact with ANY officers on January 6th, and was never accused of or charged with any violent crimes or acts of violence.)


Once again, I told them to get ****ed.


And now, the remaining counts against me of assault and battery were dismissed, and the case is now over.


This case against me has clearly demonstrated how the left will use their lies about racism and white supremacy (and their lies about J6) to game the system, knowing these false allegations carry weight and power, and that they can be used to drag people through the legal system to try to extort money out of people through settlement or judgement.


Any police officer who participated in this scam should be forced to retire in disgrace.



Anonymous ID: be322f Dec. 22, 2023, 6:34 a.m. No.20114630   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Tucker with Victor Davis Hanson.


Boom! Victor says you be punished if you never committed the crime or has charged or indicted for it. So this insurrection talk is crazy.

Anonymous ID: be322f Dec. 22, 2023, 7:01 a.m. No.20114742   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4884

High Court Drama – 19 States File Brief With Supreme Court Supporting Donald Trump Immunity Decision, Jack Smith Files Response


December 21, 2023 | Sundance |

President Trump has asked the Supreme Court to allow the legal arguments with presidential immunity to follow the traditional path through the appeals court [pdf court filing]. Special ProsecutorJack Smith wants to sidestep the appeals courtandgo directly to the Supreme Court for resolution.


As noted by Politico, President Trump’s lawyers “repeatedly warning the justices to avoid “haste,” Trump’s lawyers skewered Smith for taking extraordinary steps to preserve the March 4, 2024, trial date without detailing why taking the case to a jury just over two months from now is so critical.” In essence, Jack Smith is trying to force a fast trial on schedule to gain maximum interference with the GOP primary election, while Trump’s lawyers are calling him out for it.


Jack Smith filed a response to the Trump filing, again reasserting, “the public interest in a prompt resolution of this case favors an immediate, definitive decision by this court. The charges here are of the utmost gravity. This case involves — for the first time in our nation’s history — criminal charges against a former president based on his actions while in office. And not just any actions: alleged acts to perpetuate himself in power by frustrating the constitutionally prescribed process for certifying the lawful winner of an election,” wrote Mr. Smith. “The nation has a compelling interest in a decision.”


Smith is worried the appeals court arguments and final decision will extend beyond the 2024 term of the Supreme Court, setting up a lengthy continuation of the DC case against Trump into October and November of 2024. Trump’s team is saying the issues before the court are unprecedented and careful deliberation is needed.


To support the position of Donald Trump, 19 states filed an amicus brief with the Supreme Court today[pdf Here].


[…] “In 234 years of American history, no President ever faced criminal prosecution for his official acts. Until 19 days ago, no court had ever addressed whether immunity from such prosecution exists. To this day, no appellate court has addressed it. The question stands among the most complex, intricate, and momentous issues that this Court will be called on to decide.


This Court’s ordinary review procedures will allow the D.C. Circuit to address this appeal in the first instance, thus granting this Court the benefit of an appellate court’s prior consideration of these historic topics and performing the traditional winnowing function that this Court has long preferred. Indeed, the D.C. Circuit has already granted highly expedited review of President Trump’s appeal over President Trump’s opposition, with briefing to be concluded by January 2, 2024, and oral argument scheduled for January 9, 2024.


The Special Counsel urges this Court to bypass those ordinary procedures, including the longstanding preference for prior consideration by at least one court of appeals, and rush to decide the issues with reckless abandon. The Court should decline that invitation at this time, for several reasons. (read more, pdf)


Making matters more complex for the high court to review, former Attorney General Edwin Meese III and law professors Steven G Calabresi and Gary S Lawson have filed a briefing as Amici Curiae (friend of the court, not connected to either party), [pdf HERE] challenging the legitimacy of the Biden appointed special counsel, Jack Smith.


Regardless of whether the Supreme Court wants to weigh in on these issues, they are going to have to respond. This is in addition to the Supreme Court ultimately having to determine how the insufferable Colorado Lawfare ruling is going to stand.


The Roberts led Supreme Court does not like issues involving the political dynamic; however, on these two issues they are likely going to have to choose. If they deny the Jack Smith request, the trial of Donald Trump could be delayed until the resolution of presidential immunity ultimately reaches them (after appellate court review).However, there is a strong possibility the appeals court will side with President Trump, and the appeal to SCOTUS will then come from Jack Smith.

Anonymous ID: be322f Dec. 22, 2023, 7:08 a.m. No.20114777   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4784 >>4843

New Hampshire Poll – President Trump Dominates With 52%, Nikki Haley at 22% Takes Ron DeSantis Previous Base of Rich, White, Men


December 21, 2023 | Sundance |

An interesting poll out of New Hampshire [UML Poll Here] [Topline pdf Here] shows something perhaps many expected.


President Donald Trump still dominates the field with 52% and leads in every demographic. Nikki Haley comes in second with 22%, and Ron DeSantis third with 10%. However, if you dig into the demographics of the respondents, what you discover is that Nikki Haley has gained her support from Ron DeSantis’ primary support base.


Previously DeSantis’ main support base was from wealthy, older, white males. DeSantis has now lost this base to Nikki Haley, as her demographic support shows the rich, older, white males, what you might call the country club circuit, have dumped the Florida Governor in favor of the former UN Ambassador.


The rich, older, white males now support Nikki Haley over Ron DeSantis. This explains why Haley’s gains are all DeSantis losses.


Additionally, 27% of the DeSantis support is locked in (73% willing to change), while 47% of the Nikki Haley supporters are firm for her (53% could change mind). Not only has Nikki Haley taken DeSantis’ base of support, but she has also locked in most of that stolen base.


While neither Haley or DeSantis stands a chance at a New Hampshire victory, it’s interesting how the dynamic has rolled out.


On the Trump support, 79% of the respondents have locked in for President Trump.Over 86% of those are New Hampshire women, and when it comes to income distribution, President Trump holds 93% firm votes from those making under $50k/yr. The MAGA base is unflinching.


The University of Massachusetts Lowell Poll is very strong for President Donald Trump.

Anonymous ID: be322f Dec. 22, 2023, 7:17 a.m. No.20114806   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4826

Ron DeSantis Claims to Be the Victim of the Deep State Attack Against Donald Trump


December 21, 2023 | Sundance | 269 Comments

This guy really is a piece of work. During a CBN interview, DeSantis was asked about the politically motivated DOJ attacks against President Donald Trump. Within his response, the Florida governor found a way to makehimself a victim, claiming the persecution of Trump skewed the GOP primary race and hurt the other candidates. WATCH:


As the career light dims to a slow fade away in the corner of DeSantis’ eye, it remains important to keep focus on why this catastrophic collapse was beneficial to the MAGA movement.


DeSantis had no option but to run in this ’24 race, because that was the design going back to when he left Congress in 2018. However, we dodged a bullet, because Ron would have likely been a shoo-in for 2028 if the Sea Island multinationals had chosen to play the Nikki Haley card first.


If there’s one lesson to be learned in all of this, it would be to remind ourselves thatthe GOPe club never stops working on the illusion of choice.


(DeSadist is mad because Trump indictmemts sucked the air out of the room for other candidates. He doesn’t seem bothered by the sheer hoax of them, nor does he care what happens to Trump.Ron is a little whiny bitch!)