Anonymous ID: c1fbf1 Dec. 22, 2023, 6:45 a.m. No.20114682   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4688 >>4691 >>4698


>BIDEN’S AMERICA: Number of Homeless Veterans Rose by 7 Percent Over the Last Year – Highest Jump Ever Tracked


This absolutely breaks my heart and why I have always urged the US Military and PDJT to put an end to this by dealing with the biggest scam in American history and that is that Human Resources is weaponized. This is how I knew on 12-27-19 that PDJT and anyone who is a MAGA would be next in censoring and blacklisting because it has not only happened to me but has been going on against our vets for ages. The same combo that ran Twitter at one time are the same scammers who were controlling human resources. It is a financial attack because that is all they can do, yet it is extremely effective. Twitter was headed up by Jack and we all know his profile backed by a gang of semi technical Indian programmers and recruiters. This is why they control Monster, LinkedIn, and all the rest of the job sites because the Wall st banksters, also Jews, give them all the IT contracts and they in turn target the American workers. This is a fact and indisputable. This will never be resolved until real Americans, not satanic woke cronies, can control HR once again.

Anonymous ID: c1fbf1 Dec. 22, 2023, 6:50 a.m. No.20114698   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4727



This is also how the DS can recruit your neighbors to poison you with toxic chemicals, spying, and sabotages because in reality most manufacturing jobs went overseas, tech went to India, and the lowest wage jobs go directly to illegal immigrants. So many Americans are desperate and will easily join the DS because there is not much left as they are squeezed by high taxes, gas, utilities, and groceries. Some states are worse than others and some states are almost completely indoctrinated ex. CA, and NY.