Anonymous ID: d073dd Dec. 22, 2023, 7:56 a.m. No.20114970   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4977 >>4979 >>4981 >>4988 >>4991


>Dozens of college students agree to give money to help fund the k*lling of Jews


Israel's War on Gaza is Killing Children at 100x the Rate of Russia's War on Ukraine


Some 560 children were killed in 18 months in Russia's war with Ukraine whereas 8,000 children have been killed in just two and a half months in Israel's war with Gaza.


Russia's war is killing an average of 31 children a month, whereas Israel's war is killing an average of 3,200 children a month.


We've all been told over the past two years that Vladimir Putin is the ultimate evil in the world and the New Hitler™ and yet Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's religious "war of extermination" to "wipe out Amalek" in Gaza is killing children at just over 100 times the rate as Russia's war with Ukraine.


Ukraine's population is 22 times that of the Gaza Strip (44 million vs 2 million), so the numbers would be even more dramatic if you broke them down on a per capita basis.


Has the media's coverage of Israel's slaughter of Palestinian children been 100 times more hysterical than their coverage of Russia's war in Ukraine?


Of course not, we've seen just the opposite.


The media has instead fed the public an endless torrent of atrocity propaganda to justify Israel's historic war crimes.


Are they really so different? As a collective, Jews, especially the ones in Israel have no morality when it comes to morality, yet they expect the the maximum punishment for anyone who accuses them of the merest criticism for their actions.

Anonymous ID: d073dd Dec. 22, 2023, 8:04 a.m. No.20115007   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Kek. Of course they'll tell you. They honestly believe that shit, too. Not all of them, but it's absolutely ridiculous that they, as a sub-group of our species, demand that people capitulate to their every whim, due to their self-deluded notion of "Chosen" status by their invisible "God." They honestly feel they can project their religious beliefs upon others and we have to take it, 'cos well, they're the "Chosen Ones." Ever had a debate with a Jew about religious beliefs. They lose their fucking minds when you tell them their beliefs end with them and go no further. Hell, one of my best friends is Jewish, but he's one of those weird ones that believes Jesus was the Messiah and doesn't associate with other Jews, or do any of that crazy beating a chicken to death to absolve sin. He was spat at in Israel before his family moved here in the early 80s for his secular beliefs.


It's crazy…..