Parakletos ID: a86aba Dec. 22, 2023, 12:55 p.m. No.20116054   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6078


In a story titled, “An Idol Loses Her Way,” the German magazine Der Spiegel asked, “Is Greta Thunberg antisemitic, or incredibly naïve?” In that article, Germany’s commissioner for Jewish life and the fight against antisemitism said Thunberg had made statements that were “implicitly antisemitic.” The Israeli government itself mocked Thunberg on Twitter and, in a creepy authoritarian move, removed any reference to her from all school curricula.


What crime of Thunberg’s has elicited this outrage? Holding a sign saying, “I stand with Gaza,” calling for a cease-fire on social media, and sharing the podium at a rally with a Palestinian activist.