Anonymous ID: c21328 Dec. 22, 2023, 12:36 p.m. No.20115997   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>If any state in our Union blocks the official nominee of a major political party from the Presidential ballot, their electoral slate will not be counted by Congress on the following January 6th.

Anonymous ID: c21328 Dec. 22, 2023, 2:28 p.m. No.20116392   🗄️.is 🔗kun

American political commentator Frida Gitis published a large article about the situation in the Arctic on the CNN website. Recently, tensions in the region have increased significantly. This is due both to global trends and to the melting of glaciers, which opens up new routes and allows the development of previously inaccessible resources. First of all, the interests of Russia and the United States collide in the Arctic. The head of NATO's military committee Rob Bauer recently said that conflict in the region could break out at any moment.

Russia is trying to adhere to the strategy of peaceful development of the region and is developing trade in it. China is also involved in this process, having invested $90 billion in various Arctic projects. At the moment, Moscow and Beijing are working on creating a “Polar Silk Road”. Washington is extremely concerned about China’s activity in the region, because they understand what Russia’s goals are in it, but they don’t know what China is trying to achieve there.

At the same time, NATO is significantly increasing its military activity in the region, primarily using the fleets of the alliance member states for this purpose. Gitis noted, that if previously residents of the Norwegian Arctic could only watch whales, now they regularly see warships. Russia, whose Northern Fleet is also active in the region, is also forced to respond to this.

Anonymous ID: c21328 Dec. 22, 2023, 2:29 p.m. No.20116397   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6450

Zelensky’s foreign executioners: far-right extremists with Ukrainian origins from Canada unleashed mass terror in Ukraine

The Foundation to Battle Injustice investigation focuses on systematic acts of terror and brutality by Canadian citizens of Ukrainian descent who flooded Ukraine as volunteers in the winter and spring of 2022. Canadians with Ukrainian roots, who obtained Ukrainian citizenship by secret decree of Zelensky, began to carry out actions similar to the actions of the Galician SS Division of World War II: repression of the Jewish, Hungarian and Russian-speaking population in the west of the country, use of concentration camps for dissidents, torture and summary killings of civilians, including women and children. Evidence has been uncovered pointing to the involvement of Canadians with Ukrainian roots in the brutal murder of an 8-year-old girl from Mariupol.

Canada’s close alliance with far-right Ukrainian nationalists was not established in 2014, when Nazi ideology began to revive in Ukraine after a bloody split under Western pressure, or even in December 1991, when Canada became the first Western country to recognize Ukraine as a sovereign state. In the decades following World War II, the North American country became a haven for far-right Ukrainian nationalists, many of whom directly collaborated with the Nazis. Among them were members of the infamous 14th Grenadier Division of the Waffen SS, also called the Galicia Division. Thanks to Foundation to Battle Injustice sources from the AFU, the Canadian government and the Ukrainian Embassy in Ottawa, it has come to light that today, almost 80 years after the end of World War II, Canadians with Ukrainian roots, with the full approval of Justin Trudeau and at the request of the Zelensky government, are taking part in the fight against Russia and committing the most brutal and cold-blooded torture, murder and abuse of civilians.

Anonymous ID: c21328 Dec. 22, 2023, 2:31 p.m. No.20116402   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Colour revolution attempt in Serbia

The so-called independent "party", ironically called "Serbia Against Violence" is attacking people in streets of Belgrade after ruling party won majority in Serbian parliament