Anonymous ID: c3e228 Dec. 22, 2023, 4:05 p.m. No.20116765   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Naomi Wolf: "The center of cultural debate has shifted to independent news and publishing houses"


Naomi Kline stalking Naomi Wolf, this is not going to end well. The last name is of the woman that is revealing Pharma is Wolf, what is wrong with you? Do you really want to do this? It’s Classic stalker profile! We found the source of these threats, it’s Big Pharma. They paid Naomi Kline to attack Naomi Wolf


Nrw Book: “Facing the Beast” by Wolf. The left is freaking out. Very good interview.



Anonymous ID: c3e228 Dec. 22, 2023, 4:32 p.m. No.20116873   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Raheem Kassam On Ron DeSantis: "There isn't a shortcut to being a populist"DeSadist made it clear he will not stand up for Trump even though Trump is being targeted from leftists to remove him as a formidable Conservative/Republic. DeSadist sealed his fate becausethe greed and power was much more important then the Bill of Rights. He showed he will not oppose the violations on the Bill of Rights for citizens. He will try to use citizens to win but if another J6 Hoax comes along, he will allow injustice. This guy is so stupid that he doesn’t consider he could be the next target!



Anonymous ID: c3e228 Dec. 22, 2023, 5:43 p.m. No.20117146   🗄️.is 🔗kun

He sent spies and terrorists all over the world. Granted a lot are afraid of returning

23 Dec, 2023

EU state tells Ukrainians they’ll have to go home

Denmark is adamant that once the conflict ends, the refugees need to go back


Ukrainian nationals who sought refuge from the conflict in Denmark won’t be welcome to stay once peace is restored, Danish Immigration Minister Kaare Dybvad said on Friday.


There areover 30,000 Ukrainians who have applied for refugee status in Denmarkunder a special law, which is set to expire in March 2025. A poll conducted by the University of Copenhagen in September on a sample of 7,000 of them showed that about half would like to stay in the country even after the hostilities in Ukraine end.


Speaking with the daily Berlingske,Dybvad said this was out of the question and that they have to go back.


“We will not change that point of view,” the minister said, adding that refugees will continue to have temporary status, regardless of where they come from. Even if the Ukrainians are “culturally closer to us than people from the Middle East,” Dybvad said,they still behave in “completely different ways”than the Danes, such as beating their children.


The government in Kiev has been clear that it wants its citizens to return, Dybvad said, and Denmark “will have to respect that.”


He allowed the possibility that some of the 30,278 Ukrainians currently registered as temporary residents smight be able to stay past March 2025, if they meet certain conditions. If they earn more than 375,000 Danish kroner (approximately $55,400) a year, for example, they could apply for a business permit.


“I think they have the opportunity to stay to a reasonable extent, but we are not going to make an independent opening where we say that everyone who comes from Ukraine can stay in Denmark,” the minister said.


He rejected the idea that Denmark would be leaving the refugees in a lurch by requiring them to go back, noting that Copenhagen has contributed billions of dollars in aid to Kiev.


“We have nothing to be embarrassed about,”Dybvad said. “I hope that the Ukrainians are interested in rebuilding their own country, which needs it.”


About 5.8 million Ukrainians have left the country since the conflictwith Russia escalated in February 2022, according to the UN.Many have expressed the desire to stay in the countries that gave them sanctuary even after peace is achieved. While most of the host countries have refused Kiev’s demands to send the fighting-age men home, they haven’t been enthusiastic about accepting the refugees as permanent immigrants.


Earlier this week, Germany admitted that only about a third of Ukrainians who attended “integration courses” actually got a passing grade, while media investigations showed therefugees preferred welfare to working.!

Anonymous ID: c3e228 Dec. 22, 2023, 5:53 p.m. No.20117172   🗄️.is 🔗kun

22 Dec, 2023 22:

Ukrainian officials privately admit they’re losing (they lost)—BILD editor

Reality is different from public statements, the German journalist who just visited Kiev has said


While the Ukrainian government paints a rosy picture of the conflict at press conferences, senior officials admit in private that thesituation is grim, Paul Ronzheimer, a deputy editor-in-chief at the German outlet BILD, said on Friday.


Ronzheimer had just spent three days in Ukraine, meeting with Defense Minister Rustem Umerov and other senior government and military officials, he wrote on X (formerly Twitter).


“Their statements match less and less the picture that is officially painted in press conferences and interviews, most recently by [Ukrainian President Vladimir] Zelensky,” he wrote.


Those who spoke to him in private identified “very clearly” several major problems for Kiev and at this time “see little chance for Ukrainian offensive efforts,” Ronzheimer wrote.


Tempering his criticism with the claim that Russia has lost “tens of thousands of soldiers and many tanks,” the German journalist noted that everyone he spoke with said that time was on Moscow’s side and that “stories from the front are almost unbearable.”


Ukrainian officials should say these things in public because “nothing else will help,” said Ronzheimer, while arguing that Europe and especially Germany will have to do more in 2024, not less.


The German journalist’s revelations match the tone of several Ukrainian MPs who spoke to The Times of London. In an article published on Friday, Roman Kostenko – a member of the Verkhovna Rada’s committee for national security, defense and intelligence – said a victory on the battlefield was “extremely unlikely” and expressed doubt that any Western weapons could turn the tide.


Another MP, Svyatoslav Yurash, described thefighting as “painful” and said the Ukrainians should “hope for the best but prepare for the worst.”C The only thing to hope for right now was for the Russians to rebel and topple their government, he added.


Kiev launched a major offensive in early June, aiming to reach Crimea within 60 to 90 days but failing to advance past the first Russian defense lines. Russian troops have since taken the initiative and are moving forward on almost every section of the frontline.


Earlier this week, the Russian Defense Ministry made public its estimate that Ukraine has lost almost 400,000 troops since the hostilities escalated in February 2022, including those killed, wounded, captured or listed as missing. A prominent German military analyst has estimated Kiev’s losses at 800 troops a day.