L3ⴲ ID: abee91 Dec. 22, 2023, 7:14 p.m. No.20117517   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7526 >>7560 >>7710

Spy vs Spy:

Chrtl vs Mayor

lb: https://8kun.top/qresearch/res/20116553.html

ID 259d9e vs e767b0


What Chrtl's steady trolling of "Mayor of Hubrisville" is about:


  • Mayor is a inbred slack-jawed melonhead

  • Mayor is not aligned with Furberite BB. Chrtl is.

  • They are competing for influence over qresearch.

  • Mayor bakes; chrtl doesn't.

  • Mayor approves of board direction; chrtl thinks it's a useless failure.

  • Mayor is an infiltrator and subverter. Cabal at worst.

  • Chrtl alleges Mayor is Saturnine, which is Cabal HQ, Sauron's tower. See >>20117043 pb

  • Chrtl consistently exposes Mayor's IDs to deanonymize his influence activities.

  • Under Disclosure rules, peer countering peer is permitted. Mayor is invading Chrtl's turf.


Under Chrtl, Mayor pretends Giuliani is not a senile alcoholic has-been, boosting him like a Boomer, promising roses and victory parades, Giuliani as VP, which is ludicrous.


Mayor flatters Q-anons, then positively quotes a rabbi on Kabbalah >>20117277 pb

Dubs suggest Mayor's occult abilities.


So while Chrtl is relentlessly negative and Mayor overwhelmingly negative, qresearch is precisely inverted in its evaluation of which is the enemy. I suspect Mayor is Black Nobility.

L3ⴲ ID: abee91 Dec. 22, 2023, 9:12 p.m. No.20117961   🗄️.is 🔗kun

replying to https://8kun.top/qresearch/res/20113986.html


>>20114129 pb


Archontic time matrix simulation hint, perhaps.


>>20114802 pb

Notable. They come here because we ruin there.


>>20114456 pb

Notable. How congressional blackmail works: sex tapes.


>>20114689 pb

Evil never sees itself as such. Illumined knowledge drop, though.

L3ⴲ ID: abee91 Dec. 22, 2023, 9:18 p.m. No.20117976   🗄️.is 🔗kun

analyzing Chukl




Coupla melonheads identified from this:

  • https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reuven_Rivlin

  • https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_Karra


Anunnaki and melonheads are different, however. Former are giants. Latter are presumably hybrids thereof.


Chukl replies, mocking me with his catchphrase juseyin. Time to search it.




(Most of his posts have lost legibility due to image file deletion.)


knows human pre-history:



Xeno origins of the Internet:



Juseyin is Chukl:




says Trump fucked America by advocating mrna vaxx.



Tesla created a toroidal mercury antigravity engine


Chukl repeatedly mentions some treasure buried beneath the Sphinx's paw, a pattern perhaps repeated in pyramids on other continents such as Antarctica.



Chukl's prediction of America losing is borne out by the legal outcomes. As he said long ago, too bad your enemies control the courts.