AI is just the conduit of programmers
>Evidence suggests otherwise.
well im coming from the perspective that it's impossible to program code into consciousness.
code cannot become self aware, it's just ridiculous
this is part of the trans-human agenda, the mixing of humans and machines, it's based on the philosophical anomaly that postulates that everything came from nothing, there is no cause, no God and no meaning, i.e. the philosophy that have been turning humans into slaves for a few centuries
here is GW's comments on Awan, take it for what it's worth, u know ho he plays for
he is a good craftsman, but still a craftsman
the deal is not the thing, this is pure dmg control to protect imram
from the really bad stuff he was in on, on behalf of the tribe. so this is about protecting the higher ups
maybe imram ran the CAC for the illegit comms between FiveE
this is to hida that network
seems to me imram is a comm logistics guy, running secure comms, part of which might be the OOB 5E comms, he also spied and did other stuff, a DNC/C_A/ISI/etc staff
right, this was just to block exposure of what he actually did
GW has been reporting on alot of meta connected to that, although he is an op for Md he has to give away stuff to be an influencer, so use that and disregard the pointy angle
>Why was the case against AWAN filed under BANK FRAUD?
to hide his involvement with the deep state