Anonymous ID: 49620a Dec. 23, 2023, 2:26 p.m. No.20121047   🗄️.is 🔗kun


The Rothschild's were funding and ripping off all parties, playing one side off against the other, during the French Revolution & Napoleonic wars & no doubt the American Revolution too.


Mayer’s five sons

Starting as dealers in luxury items and traders in coins and commercial papers, Mayer and his sons eventually became bankers to whom the French Revolutionary and Napoleonic wars of 1792–1815 came as a piece of great good fortune. Mayer and his eldest son, Amschel, supervised the growing business from Frankfurt, while Nathan established a branch in London in 1804, Jakob settled in Paris in 1811, and Salomon and Karl opened offices in Vienna and Naples, respectively, in the 1820s. The wars, for the Rothschilds, meant loans to warring princes; smuggling as well as legal trading in key products such as wheat, cotton, colonial produce, and arms; and the transfer of international payments between the British Isles and the Continent that Napoleon vainly attempted to close to British trade. Peace transformed the growing Rothschild business: the banking group continued its international business dealings but became more and more an agent in government securities (Prussian or English, French or Neapolitan), in insurance-company stocks, and in shares of industrial companies. Thus, the family successfully adapted to the Industrial Revolution and participated in economic growth throughout Europe with their railway, coal, ironworking, and metallurgical investments. The banking group continued to expand after the 1850s and, in particular, achieved an important position in the world trade of oil and nonferrous metals. But its previous oligopolistic position was seriously threatened by new joint-stock banks and commercial, or deposit, banks both in England and in France as well as in the German states. By the last quarter of the 19th century, the Rothschild group was no longer the first banking consortium. Other groups, in Europe and in the United States, had become stronger, richer, and more enterprising.