Anonymous ID: 4bd863 Dec. 23, 2023, 1:09 p.m. No.20120683   🗄️.is 🔗kun

December 22, 2023: A Voice for Choice Advocacy’s lawyers filed a lawsuit on behalf of three plaintiffs claiming the unconstitutionality of California's School Vaccine Exemption laws. While California currently allows medical exemptions, as well as exemptions for students on Individualized Education Programs (IEP), in 2015 SB 277 (Pan) removed the ability for parents to exempt their children from vaccines required for public or private school education, due to personal beliefs, including sincere religious beliefs. This lawsuit argues SB 277 goes against the US Constitution's First Amendment's Free Exercise Clause and California law must include a Religious Exemption in the statute requiring children to get vaccines to be enrolled in public or private school. If this lawsuit succeeds it will mean parents of all children in California will be able to exempt their children from school required vaccines if they have sincere religious beliefs. The brief that was filed can be read here: