Anonymous ID: 94f226 Dec. 23, 2023, 12:53 p.m. No.20120603   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0618

This painting could be a"checklist for MAGA progress".Can we measure psychological restoration by counting the number of illustrated proverbs which the nation takes to heart?


Maybe a museum could loan out a copy, for display in the Capitol Rotunda from January 2025. Make it a centerpiece of the, ah, MAGA Federal Re-education Mandate.


"Madame Secretary, your crayon sketch of your assigned proverb lacks… conviction."






"You're looking at a 464 year old painting…


That contains 126 hidden messages (that we've been able to count…)


This painting is The Topsy Turvy World by Bruegel


And it has the earliest illustration of theBlue Pill"




"1/ 'She puts the blue cloak on her husband.'


Bruegel's original name for his painting:The Blue Cloak


In the center a woman puts a blue cloak on her husband - a Danish proverb meaning to deceive someone.


The Matrix made the Blue Cloak the Blue Pill - the meaning remains the same."