Anonymous ID: 63d352 Dec. 23, 2023, 5:37 p.m. No.20121896   🗄️.is 🔗kun


LOLOLOL. Thank you for making me laugh out loud! I came into this bred all set to give a big "eff you" from some nincompoop who posted in the last bread, but your meme made me laugh out loud, so all my vitriol for that other st00ge has faded.


I think about shark attacks a lot 'cause I spent a lot of time on the ocean in previous years. Now I live next to the shore of one of the biggest rivers in The United States. They say sharks sometimes make it into this river, but so far, so good.


As for the ocean, NEVER AGAIN. Even when I was young, I never went in above my waist. I spent lots of summer days sitting on the shore so the waves could crash over me, but I never liked the idea of swimming near hungy sharks and other monsters. I wasn't influenced by JAWS, either. I was already set in my "seashore ways" when that movie was released. Just something creepy about the Monster Soup out there, so never again.


And now, having typed all that, I guess I'll quit work for the night and fall asleep to some shark attack videos on YouTube, from the safety of dry land.

