Anonymous ID: 073e8c Dec. 24, 2023, 1:19 a.m. No.20123335   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I've seen two things just recently that estimate 80 of humans are just like this dude. You can't even ask them "what if the "trusted news" is lying to you?" because they can't think.

Fact is, I think these folks are just practicing their own freedom in the same way most here are practicing theirs. Perhaps it is the 20% of thinkers that need to act as sheepdogs and shepherds.

Back during ancient times, in anons high school, it was an unwritten rule that the senior class watched over all the retards and handicapped kids. This was well known so there were no incidents.

All men and most males tend to look out for wimmens and children so it's not really that much extra work to look out for the blissfully unaware until public school can get back to teaching logic and reason.