Trying the Protocols again?
You jokers really are out of ammo
The Protocols were written at the start of antisemitism in Russia, with thousands of Jews fleeing the country and the start of the pogroms, Jewish concentration camps. Setting the scene for antisemitism was Frederick Millingen’s The Conquest of the World by Jews and Hippolytus Lutostansky’s Jews and the Talmud. Both works claimed that the Jews wanted to divide Russia up for themselves. Jews were also blamed for the loss of the Russo-Japanese war and the revolution of 1905.
A member of the Czarist secret police, Professor Serge A Milus, is reported to have edited and initially published the protocols. The Protocols first appeared in a Russian newspaper, Znamya, in 1903. It was published originally in 1905 in a book titled The Great in the Small: The Coming of the Anti-Christ and the Rule of Satan on Earth. This was written by Serge A Nilus. Most agree that the protocols were fabricated sometime between 1897 and 1899 under Pyotr Rachovsky, head of the Russian secret police.
It is generally accepted the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion was a forgery. In 1921 the London Times produced conclusive proof that the Protocols were a forgery, describing the Protocols as a “clumsy forgery”. Most of the passages of the Protocols have been taken from a French political satire that never mentioned Jews – Maurice Joly’s Dialogue in Hell Between Machiavelli and Montesquieu (1864). The phrasing between the two texts is almost identical.
The protocols would come to play a significant part in the Jewish Holocaust. They had a serious influence on Adolf Hitler who mentioned them frequently in Mein Kampf. The Nazi party published 23 editions of the Protocols before the start of World War II.
In 1935 a Swiss court declared the Protocols as “ridiculous nonsense” and “obvious forgeries”. The US Senate issued a report in 1964 that the Protocols were fabricated. However even while the Protocols were ridiculed by many, it also had quite a following. In 1974 it was published in India under the title International Conspiracy Against Indians. In 2004 the Protocols were published in Japan. In 2005 an edition of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, authorized by the Syrian Ministry of Information, claims that the Elders of Zion coordinated September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks on the United States.
It is worth noting that the Bible is only mentioned once in the Protocols and that the Old Testament is quoted in Latin. The Protocols also claim that the Jewish elites had a hand in the French revolutions. However, this is cited as evidence largely discrediting the work of the protocols. At the time of the French revolution, there were only a handful of Jews who were, by and large, the subjects of antisemitism. However, this can also be construed in the opposite light, that there was antisemitic behavior followed by unrest and upheaval, meaning that the antisemitism was proven correct.
Despite the declaration that the Protocols are a forgery, there are still many followers, described as Neo-Nazi, White Supremacists and Holocaust deniers. Books based on the Holocaust are disseminated worldwide and has a surprising following in Japan, where there are little Jews. The Arab and Islamic world actively teach the protocols to children. It is often used to justify terrorism against Israeli citizens. There is no denying that it is a forgery, however a very accurate one.
The Case for the Protocols of the Elders of Zion
“The only statement I care to make about the PROTOCOLS is that they fit in with what is going on. They are sixteen years old, and they have fitted the world situation up to this time.” – Henry Ford 1921 in an interview with the Washington Post.
Ford funded the printing of over half a million copies, and the Nazi’s used the protocols to stir up antisemitism.
The FBI hasn't been the good guys in quite some time
The Protocols are made-up garbage