Anonymous ID: bded08 Dec. 24, 2023, 4:54 p.m. No.20126204   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6243 >>6469 >>6747


ICE Arrests 26 Illegal Alien Sex Offenders, Including Pedophiles, in California.


Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) has arrested 26 illegal immigrant sex offenders, some of whom are pedophiles, in a two-day sting operation in California.


The operation was conducted by Enforcement and Removal Operations (ERO) in Los Angeles from Monday through Wednesday.


ERO said in a press release:


In Los Angeles, a 19-year-old citizen of El Salvador was convicted by the Superior Court of California of felony sexual forcible oral copulation of a minor over 14-years-old and battery by restraint.

In Los Angeles, a 40-year-old citizen of Mexico was convicted by the Superior Court of California of felony lewd acts with a child and continuous sexual abuse.

In Los Angeles, a 35-year-old citizen of Guatemala was convicted by the Superior Court of California of felony child molestation in an inhabited dwelling.


“The outcome of this operation exemplifies the professionalism, dedication and commitment of ERO Los Angeles officers to public safety,” Field Office Director Thomas Giles said in a statement. “Removing these individuals and the threats they represent from our communities is our mission, and we will continue to safely and effectively enforce the immigration laws of our nation.”


ERO arrested 46,496 illegal immigrants with criminal convictions in FY 22. Of those, 8,164 were sex and sexual assault offenses.

Anonymous ID: bded08 Dec. 24, 2023, 5 p.m. No.20126229   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6243 >>6245 >>6469 >>6747

Think tank looks to lasso 'deep state' by recruiting conservatives to work in government in 2025


"We n to give the next conservative president a running start," Heritage Foundation Executive Vice President Derrick Morgan said.


The prominent conservative think tank Heritage Foundation has launched a major initiative titled "Project 2025" to rein in the federal bureaucracy by recruiting patriotic Americans to staff the next conservative administration. 


"You just don't have enough time after the election to put together the government," Heritage Foundation Executive Vice President Derrick Morgan said on "The Heritage Foundation's 2025 Presidential Transition Project Special Report" hosted by John Solomon and premiered on Real America's Voice. 


"We need to give the next conservative president a running start," Morgan said.